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Ivan Cornejo


Name: Ximena Nahomi Betanzos Mendéz Cecyte 08 Apetatitlan 2-BCec

Datos biograficos

Ivan Cornejo was born on November 1, 2004Ivan cornejo was born in Riverside , California He is popular for his corridos Hia first major hit "Dañada" in 2021Ivan Cornejo was educated with her brothers He is singer and composer since he was thieteen years old Iván Cornejo is small

Ivan Cornejo

Mi reflexión sobre Ivan Cornejo y el cómo se hizo importante y significativo para mi fueron sus canciones, la primera vez que escuche una de sus canciones que fue "Dañada" me transmitió el sentimiento que expresaba la canción que era la tristeza de la chica, investigando un poco más de él me impresionó el cómo a su corta edad ha logrado que sea más conocido por más personas, la mayoría adolescentes.Sus canciones me transmiten el mensaje que el da en ellas, soy muy feliz al escuchar sus canciones, aunque a veces me hagan llorar porque me hace que me identifique con sus canciones

MI reflexión

His songs convey the message he gives in them. I am very happy when I listen to his songs, although sometimes they make me cry because they make me identify with his songs.

My reflection on Iván Cornejo and how he became important and meaningful to me were his songs. The first time I heard one of his songs, which was "Dañada," it conveyed to me the emotion expressed in the song, which was the sadness of the girl. Investigating a little more about him, I was impressed by how, at his young age, he has managed to become more widely known by more people, mostly teenagers.

Mi reflexión