Want to make creations as awesome as this one?





See if you can get to the goal first. Answer the star questions to stay on the space. If you're wrong, go back. Check info for more game rules. Good luck.







  • The game can be played by 2 to 4 players.
  • Each player must choose a chip and roll the dice (just click on the digital die and wait for it to stop).
  • The player who gets the highest number will be the one who starts the game.
  • To play, each participant must roll the dice and move his/her piece to the corresponding square.
  • Some of the squares on the board have a special meaning.
  • If he/she lands on an X2 or X3 square, he/she must multiply the number on the dice by the corresponding number and advance that number of squares.
  • If he/she lands in the DANGER square, the player may not roll the dice again until another player passes through that square.
  • The winner is the one who reaches the "goal" line first.



Who am I? Bowser

WHO AM I? Charizard/噴火龍

Who is this girl? Disney

What is the capital of Korea? Seoul

How do you spell this continent? (Hint: Two words) North America

What is his name? Swimming

Bad luck. Now you can't go until another player passes you.

What is this continent called? (Hint: 4 letters) Asia

How do you spell 九月 in English? September

What am I called?

Who am I?

What is 十二月 in English? December

Who is she?

Who is this man?

What am I called?

What is a building or group of buildings where goods are manufactured or assembled chiefly by machine?

1 Day has 24 hours, 1 hour has 60 minutes, 1 minute has 60 _____. Seconds

How do you spell his name? Mr. Bean

Who is he?

What is this animal called? Monkey

What do you call a building that is significantly taller than its surrounding structures and has many floors?

What is the mechanical part of a vehicle that provides power?

What city is this place in? Beijing

What is my name? in English?

What is his name?

What is his name? August

What is the capital city of Japan? Tokyo

What establishment provides paid lodging on a short-term basis?

What is the 12th Month?

Who is this girl?

Who is this character? Loki


What am I called?

Who is she? Dictionary

What is the capital of China? Skiing

What is its name? In English.

Who is this person? Captain America

What is its name? in English!

What is the name of this character? Sonic