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Snakesand ladders

Roll the dice!

How did Hari Singh realize that Anil knew about the stolen money?

What action by Anil made Hari Singh believe he was forgiven?

Why did Hari in the story change his name every month?

According to Hari Singh, who is easier to rob?

: What was Hari Singh’s immediate reaction after stealing Anil’s money?

What made Hari Singh return to Anil?

What are the character traits of Anil?

What are the character traits of Hari ?

Move 2 steps backward

Move 3 steps forward

Move 5 steps backward

Move 3 steps backward

How old was Anil and Hari?

How much money did Hari steal from Anil?

Which train did Hari plan to take?

Move 2 steps forward

Move 2 steps forward

Did Hari knew how to cook?

Move 3 steps forward


What is Anil's Profession?

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The meaning of queer is moving in speed.True or False.

Move 1 step back

What is the meaning of Unlined?

Move 1 steps forward

Make a sentence using "Fits and Starts".

What is the meaning of Maidan?

Players start with a token - which represents each of them - in the initial square and take turns rolling the die. The tokens move according to the numbering on the board, in ascending order. If, at the end of a move, a player lands on a square where a ladder begins, they move up it to the square where it ends. If, on the other hand, they land on a square where a snake's tail begins, they move down it to the square where its head ends.If a player rolls a 6, they can move twice in a single turn. If a player rolls three consecutive 6's, they must return to the initial square and cannot move their token until they roll a 6 again. The player who reaches the final square is the winner.There is a variation where, if a player is six or fewer squares away from the end, they must roll precisely the number needed to reach it. If the number rolled exceeds the number of remaining squares, the player cannot move.


If the player falls on the bottom of a ladder, they move up to the top square where the ladder ends.

If the player lands on a square where the tail of a snake starts, they go down to a lower square where the headis located.


