Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Steve Jobs

By: Mehtab Singh

The History of Apple Inc.

Apple Inc.

Out of all the successfull major tech companies that are out there today, there is one who's history is very unique. Apple hase made some of the most significant innovations in the technology industry, but these came with a lot of setbacks, even going to the point of the company splitting for a short time, and them coming back, and creatin g the revolutionary MacOS 10.

Steve Jobs

The man who changed it all.

Early life

Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco to two graduates from the University of Wisconsin. After his birth, his parents decided to give him up for adoption. He was then raised in California.As a child, Steve showed great intelligence, but he lacked direction in terms of what career path to pursue. He dropped out of school and tried different professions, with his main interest lying in engineering. However, it was when he first saw technology that changed his life forever.

After trying out different careers, Steve finally found his place in the tech industry. Together with his high school friend, he started Apple Inc. in a garage, and from there, their story took off.

Apple Inc:Early days

After releasing the Apple 2, which became a big hit, Steve Jobs hired the CEO of PepsiCo at the time, thinking that this would help increase the company's funds, but later, tensions started to increase between the former CEO of PepsiCo, now the CEO of Apple, saw a lot of failed products and blamed that all on Steve himself. So, in 1985, Steve left Apple to invest another $12 million in a new company called NeXT, which failed.

This was one of Apple's computers at the time that had better performance than tech giant IBM. They were too expensive and had limited functionality.

Timeline of Apple

This is a basic list of all the major events that happened during the history of Apple, all the way to developing the revolutionary MacOS 10, to developing the iPhone, and Siri, and so on.


Apple is founded in the Job's home garage


The Apple 2 computer was released, becoming the first mass-produced PC.


Cofounder Steve Jobs left Apple due to tension between him and the CEO after the faliure of the Apple 3. Later went on to start NeXT.

1986 - 1992

The Aplple company continues to struggle under the CEO that kicked Steve Jobs out of the buisness, by creating many failed products.

1992 - 1993

Apple's profit drops by 84%, and by 1993, Scully, former Pepsi CEO, resigns from Apple.

In the 1990s, Apple started to suffer in the market after all those failed products, but then the new CEO of Apple looked at next. Apple bought out Next and Steve Jobs returned to being the CEO of the company that he co-founded. Then, using the NeXT operating system base, he combined Mac OS and NeXTstep operating system to create macOS 10, one of the most revolutionary versions of Mac OS ever created.


Apple buys out NeXT for $249 million and steve Jobs returns to being CEO of Apple.


MacOS X (10) is released, and everyone praises the new and modern interface of the new operating system. The system was sluggish and slow, and required more ram than what computers had at the time.


MacOs 10.2 is relesed, which solves all the compatability issues, further boosting the popularity of the new operating system.


Seve Job's failed company that saved and changed Apple forever.


NeXT was a failed hardware/software company that Steve Jobs started after he was kicked out of Apple. This was a company that he wanted to compete with Apple, whose computers were very powerful, as well as their operating system, but the prices of NeXT computers were very expensive, and the company failed, but this failure is what saved Apple. Using the NeXTStep OS, combined with macOS, Steve Jobs created macOS 10, which paved the way for the future of Apple operating systems.

Insert a video

'People who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who can.'

- Steve Jobs

Images of milestones in Apple

Steve Jobs: Overveiw

The inovations that Steve Jobs made in the tech industry are some of the most significant ever. Here is how he anaged to do all of this:

He was very straightfoward at doing things

He was very smart, which gave him very good analytical sense. This is how he decided to create gis next version of macos by combining it with NeXTStep os.

He was evry firm on one way of doing things, which made him a good leader for his company

Conclusion: Key takeaways

I think that steve jobs was just a really innovative person for his time. There has never been any story more intresting than Apple's. What I like to take away from his experiences are first, if you don' know what to do

when it comes to getting into tradess, then follow your intrests, as those are he areas that you are probably going to succeed in the future. Also, I take away from here that if you thnk positivley, you can do

anything. We often have the habit of keeping doubt in out minds, but when we learn to keep these doubts away, then you will be motivated to achive more things in this life.

Apple now has almost 18% of the global market share as of the beginning of 2024. Thanks to all the the work and effort put in be Steve Jobs. We can learn from him in a way that we all can reach for the stars. We just have to figure out how.


Thank you!!









