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introduction to phonetics


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introduction to phonetics



Sound and spelling

- Muchas palabras en inglés se pronuncian de forma diferente a como se escriben: One, three, ice, skate... - Pero, ¿hay algo que nos indique que se pronuncian así?

The international Phonetic Alphabet IPA

* ¿Qué es la fonética? / What phonetic is? - The International Phonetic Alphabet lets us represent the pronunciation of a word exactly though phonetic symbols. (El Sistema Fonético Internacional nos permite representar exactamente la pronunciación de una palabra a través de los símbolos fonéticos.) - One [wʌn], three [θriː], ice [aɪs], skate [skeɪt]...

1.- Touching your vocal cords and paying attention to the underlined letters, put the following words in their correct place: - Three, they, grey, shower, laugh, coin, cheese, world, playing, flower.


VOICED- They- Grey - Laugh - World - Playing

VOICELESS- Three- Shower - Coin - Cheese - Flower

Some common problems for Spanish learners.

* Beginning "s-" and "sh-"

* Differences between "b" and "v"

* The "h"

The "s" at the beginning of a word (lest's be careful)

In words in English starting with a "s-", we do not pronunce an "e" at the beginning. Try to pronunce this words: Spain, start, skate, snake. In words starting and containing "sh-", we pronunce them like |ʃ|. Try to pronunce this words: Shower, shoe, shine, fish, push.

Differences between |b| and |v| in English.

Unlike in Spanish, in English, there is a difference when pronuncing "b" and "v". For example, in Spanish, we pronunce "vota" and "bota" with the same |b| sound. In English: VOICE is not pronounced the same as BOYS

The "h".

In English, "h" doesn't sound like "j" or like soundless. Instead, it is voiceless and breathy. Try to pronunce these words: Hot, ham, huge, hard, hello.


* Paying attention to the underlined letters, put the following words in their correct group: - Bee, put, sit, cut, pen, shop, bath, red, cat, book, sun, king, what, who, bird, sauce, tree, man, sport, blue, calm, nurse.


  • Bee, bath, who, bird, sauce, tree, sport, blue, calm, nurse.
  • Put, sit, cut, pen, shop, red, cat, book, sun, king, what, man.

thank you for your attention

[θæŋk jʊ fə jər əˈtɛnʃᵊn]

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