Albert Bandura
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Social Learning Theory
Albert Bandura
4- Interactive Photo
This is an INDEX
1- Who is Albert Bandura?
2- What is Social Learning Theory?
3- What are the Mediational Processes?
5- Prompt 1
6- Prompt 2
7- Prompt 3
8- Prompt 4
Who is Albert Bandura?
Bandura was a psychologist and the originator of the social learning theory. His most famous studies were on aggression, proving that children learn behaviors through observation of adults. Bandura also studied how learning occurs through both beliefs and modeling.
What is the Social Learning Theory?
The social learning theory is a bridge between behaviorism and the cognitive approach. It primarily focuses on how cognitive factors are involved in learning. For example, if a child watched their parents continually say "please" and "thank you" they are more likely to repeat those words
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What are the Mediational Processes?
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What are the Mediational Processes?
An individual needs to pay attention to a behavior and consequence in order to form representation of the behavior.
Motor Reproduction
Motor reproduction is the physical and mental ability to perform the behavior observed.
Retention is highlighted in immitation, for succesful imitation observers must save these behaviors in symbolic forms.
Motivation and reinforcement shows the consequennces of mimicking the observed behavior.
Investigate the application of Bandura's social learning theory in context of online media and digital media, exploring how observational learning occurs in virtual environments.
According to Albert Bandura, people learn through observing others, however, with online usage and digital media being more prevalent than it ever has before, learning looks a little different. First, children these days are much more interested in looking at a screen rather than listening to a teacher. With platforms such as TikTok where videos are typically no longer than a minute children can quickly observe information without becoming distracted or bored. Furthermore, if a child interacts with the video in some way they are more likely to see similar videos, advertisements, or posts, that have the same content, leading to retention of the information they learn. If the post, video, or form of online content is produced by someone whom the child looks up to or who is admired by the child's peers, a child would be much more motivated to repeat what they learned online in the real world.
Explore bandura's contributions to understanding aggression and violence in the media, discussing the implications for societal attitudes and behaviors
Bandura has a 'media effects' theory that applies mainly to video games. In this theory Bandura claims that media representation of violence and aggression can lead to the viewers imitating that behavior. When children are exposed to extensive amounts of violence in the media, their views of the world shift. They view things more hostilally and negatively increases the chances of aggression.
Discuss the potential limitations and criticisms of Bandura's social learning theory, considering alternative explanations for observational learning and behavior acquisition.
Bandura's social learning theory was quite accepted by the public, but it did come with limitations. One limitation is that focuses almost completely on observational learning and doesn't take into consideration other forms of learning. Another limitation found was that social learning can decrease cooperation and observers tend to copy those who are successful but cooperate less. Something that should be considered though is that through observational learning there are 3 types/strategies used in this learning.
Reflect on the enduring legacy of Albert Bandura in the field of psychology, discussing the continued relevance of his theories and their implications for contemporary research and practice.
Throughout his years, Abert Bandura made many revolutionary contributions to the field of psychology, many of which are still incorporated into practices today. His social learning theory was one of his most influential theories, studying how children learn through observation. In today’s world where technology is everywhere, Bandura’s theories have become even more relevant than they have ever been. People can use his theories to study how people are learning through technology, specifically online influencers, and the effect that this is having on society.
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As a parent is modeling to a child how to tie their shoes they must make sure they have the child's full attention in order for child to learn.
Now that the child has observed a parent tying their shoes they can create symbolic form such as "bunny ears" to imitate the behavior.
The child observing their oarent tying shoes must have advanced enough fine mototr skills in order to imitate the behavior.
The parent can reinforce the child by telling them that when their shoes are tied they won't trip and fall over the laces.