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Let's talk...

  1. How is Easter celebrated in Spain? How is Easter celebrated in Galicia?
  2. How does your family celebrate Easter? Do you have any special traditions?
  3. What special Easter food is eaten in Spain?
  4. Do you get chocolate eggs? Have you ever done an Easter egg hunt?
  5. Which countries do you think it would be interesting to spend Easter in?

The history of Easter

Multiple choice

  1. What does Easter celebrate?
    1. The crucifixion of Jesus
    2. the Last Supper
    3. Jesus’ return from the dead
  2. Passover is a holiday in which religion?
    1. Christianity
    2. Hinduism
    3. Judaism
  3. On which day was Jesus crucified?
    1. Good Friday
    2. Great Friday
    3. God Friday
  4. How many days after being crucified did Jesus rise from the dead?
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3

Sentence completion

  1. In 325AD, Emperor Constantine ruled that Easter must only be celebrated on a _____
  2. Easter falls on the first Sunday after the _____ of spring equinox.
  3. The Pascua _____ represents Christ’s resurrection: light out of darkness.
  4. The word Easter may originate from Eostre, the pagan god of _____ and fertility.

Short answer

  1. What do eggs symbolise?
  2. Where has egg rolling taken place since 1876?
  3. What did the rabbit symbolise in European pagan celebrations?
  4. What did 19th century chocolatiers start making?
