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BAI - Bots & AI


The project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The projects results reflect the view only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Get all wedges

Let's see how much you know about the effects of Robots and Artificial Intelligence in new working environments!Answer the questions and complete all the wedges of the circle to beat this trivia game. The topics are:

AI history and evolution

New job profiles

Task changes

Interpersonal skills

Pros & Cons

Real life stories

Let´s go!

QUESTION 1/3 - AI history and evolution

QUESTION 1/3 - AI history and evolution


The Industrial Revolution led to a shift towards large factories. Sectors such as textile, steam engine, iron production, agriculture, food engineering, and transportation underwent significant changes during this period.

QUESTION 2/3 - AI history and evolution

QUESTION 2/3 - AI history and evolution


AI and Machine Learning are technologies created during Industry 4.0. They enable us to gain insights, improve visibility, predictability, and automate operations and business processes.

QUESTION 3/3 - AI history and evolution

QUESTION 3/3 - AI history and evolution


Industry 4.0 involves the concept of a smart factory, which comprises three parts: smart production, smart service, and smart energy. Smart production utilises new production technologies to facilitate collaboration between operators, machines, and tools. Smart service integrates IT infrastructures and techniques to enable the integration of systems, suppliers, customers, and companies with external structures. Smart energy is responsible for creating more efficient systems and reducing energy waste.


You have won the pink wedge.

QUESTION 1/3 - New job profiles

QUESTION 1/3 - New job profiles


AI-powered robots can automate repetitive and tedious tasks. This frees up time for creative professionals to focus on more important tasks that require critical thinking, creativity and innovation.

QUESTION 2/3 - New job profiles

QUESTION 2/3 - New job profiles


The incorporation of the AI bot has led to the demand for new profiles such as automation specialists, chatbot developers, and data analysts.

QUESTION 3/3 - New job profiles

QUESTION 3/3 - New job profiles


Integrating AI bots into workplaces affects workers across all skill levels and industry sectors, and it's important to consider how this technology will affect workers and how it can be implemented fairly and equitably.


You have won the blue wedge.

QUESTION 1/3 - Task changes

QUESTION 1/3 - Task changes


Incorporating AI-bots into the workplace changes the way certain tasks are performed. Automation of repetitive tasks using AI technology improves accuracy and efficiency by reducing the time and effort required to complete a task. It also creates new job roles and responsibilities that require skills in managing and working with AI technology.

QUESTION 2/3 - Task changes

QUESTION 2/3 - Task changes


The integration of AI will result in more hybrid job roles, combining human and machine competencies. However, certain skills such as leadership, empathy, creativity, and assessment will remain exclusively human. Conversely, some tasks such as conducting transactions, repeating, predicting, and adapting can already be performed solely by machines. Some tasks are performed jointly by humans and machines, such as training, explanation, and maintenance. Further technological advancements, including AI, will continue to impact the division of tasks between humans and machines.

QUESTION 3/3 - Task changes

QUESTION 3/3 - Task changes


The integration of AI bots in the workplace has led to changes in the way tasks are performed, including the automation of repetitive tasks that are now performed by AI technology instead of humans. In addition, AI has improved the accuracy and efficiency of various processes, such as customer service, manufacturing, and data analysis. Automation increases efficiency by reducing the time and effort required to complete tasks, and the use of AI can also create new job roles and responsibilities that require skills in the management and use of AI technology.


You have won the yellow wedge.

QUESTION 1/3 - Interpersonal skills

QUESTION 1/3 - Interpersonal skills


Unlike hard skills, soft skills can be learned and improved through training, practice, and feedback. These skills are not innate and require effort to develop. Training courses, workshops, reading materials, and putting the skills into practice in different situations can all contribute to improving soft skills. Additionally, receiving feedback from others can help identify areas for improvement.

QUESTION 2/3 - Interpersonal skills

QUESTION 2/3 - Interpersonal skills


Creativity and brainstorming are crucial skills for generating ideas and finding effective solutions, while time management is more of a general management skill that can facilitate the process but is not intrinsic to problem-solving and decision-making.

QUESTION 3/3 - Interpersonal skills

QUESTION 3/3 - Interpersonal skills


This statement shows a growth mindset, which is characterized by a belief in the ability to learn and develop through effort and experience.


You have won the green wedge.

QUESTION 1/3 - Pros & Cons

QUESTION 1/3 - Pros & Cons


AI has several advantages in the workplace, including the prevention of human error, cost savings, and the creation of new job opportunities. On the other hand, it has disadvantages such as job loss and vulnerability to cyber attacks.

QUESTION 2/3 - Pros & Cons

QUESTION 2/3 - Pros & Cons


AI cannot replace human emotion and creativity.

QUESTION 3/3 - Pros & Cons

Fill the blank.

QUESTION 3/3 - Pros & Cons


AI bots can automate routine or repetitive tasks that were previously done by humans.


You have won the orange wedge.

QUESTION 1/3 - Real life stories

QUESTION 1/3 - Real life stories


Patients have immediate access to medical assistance whenever they need it, thanks to the 24/7 availability. In addition, while some patients appreciate the assistance of a human, others prefer to keep their information private. Patients are more comfortable sharing sensitive medical information, such as STD testing, mental health concerns, and experiences of sexual abuse, because chatbots are perceived as non-judgmental and non-human.

QUESTION 2/3 - Real life stories

QUESTION 2/3 - Real life stories


As the case study from the Slovenian financial sector shows, the focus is often on cost efficiency and employee wellbeing. The case presented highlights the company's objectives of reducing travel costs, potentially lowering rent, and creating a flexible work environment. While a hybrid environment can have social benefits, the main focus aligns with financial best practices: cost reduction and employee well-being, rather than increased social interaction, which can be challenging in a hybrid model.

QUESTION 3/3 - Real life stories

QUESTION 3/3 - Real life stories


As demonstrated by the case studies presented in the course, successful implementation of AI-based systems and tools requires accompanying employee qualification and training processes.


You have won the final purple wedge.

Well done!

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The project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The projects results reflect the view only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.