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Lesson 1

3 mins

Sometimes funny
Loving Impatient



think of the words that describe your personality using the first letters of your name

3 mins

How does your lifestyle (being neat or messy) affect your own life? How does it affect your relationships with others?Think of the examples from your relationships with family or friends.

You should talk! - when you are guilty of the same behavior you have just criticized.





to be disorganised | hang sth up on the wall | to line up to put things in alphabetical order | be organised | be tangled up to arrange sth neatly | leave sth all over the place | be jumbled up throw on the floor | to fold | put in a pile | put sth away

Organise these phrases into 3 categories+ create 1 sentence for each group

to be disorganised | hang sth up on the wall | to line up to put things in alphabetical order | be organised | be tangled up to arrange sth neatly | leave sth all over the place | be jumbled up throw on the floor | to fold | put in a pile | put sth away

putting things in piles


jumbled up

in alphabetical order


line up


all over the place

putting things away

Are you a messy person? Or do you like everything to be neat and tidy? Some people are very messy. They don't like tidying things up or _______________(1) when they've finished using them. Their rooms are often untidy, and their things are _______________(2). They don't mind if things are in the wrong place or not in the right order. Other people, however, are very _______________(3). They like to put everything away in its proper place. They _______________(4) their shoes under the bed, and they _____ their books _______________(5) on the bookshelf. They always know where everything is because they remember exactly where they've put it. So who's right - the messy people or the neat people? Well, I think there has to be a balance. If you're too messy, you can never find anything because it's all _______________(6) together. But if you're too neat, you spend all your time _______________(7) and _______________ (8), and you never have any fun!

put in alphabetical order | put things away | put things in piles jumbled up| all over the place | organised | line up | to fold

Did you have such an experience?

Modal-like expressions with be

Suppose to + BUT


1. not wiping feet when rainsHe's sure to walk in without wiping his feet, so I'm forced to clean up the muddy floor. 2. putting away clean dishes 3. cleaning up after a party 4. throwing socks all over the place 5. losing keys to the apartment

Imagine you have a terrible roommate who is messy and disorganised. Make a list of complaints using modal-like expressions with be, use the prompts below, and 3 ideas of your own.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

List of rules: