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Regular Verbs - Past Simple
Created by Monika Bandi - Scoala gimnaziala Al. I. Cuza Baia Mare
Leap on
On February 29th, Freddy exclaimed: "Hooray! 

It's Leap Day , it's time to play! "

Hopped to a party, joined another frog

They danced around, in the Leap Day fog. 
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Regular Verbs - Past Simple

Created by Monika Bandi - Scoala gimnaziala Al. I. Cuza Baia Mare

Leap on

On February 29th, Freddy exclaimed: "Hooray! It's Leap Day , it's time to play! " Hopped to a party, joined another frog They danced around, in the Leap Day fog.

Leap on

1. Regular verbs - crossword puzzle 2. Regular verbs -ed pronunciation 3. Read the story - fill in with the verb 4. Reading comprehension - True / False 5. Unscramble the WH-questions 6. Reading comprehension - choose the correct verb


6. Click on me! choose the correct verb
5. Click on me! Unscramble the WH-questions
4. Click on me! True / False
3. Click on me! read the story - fill in with the verb
2. Click on me! -ed pronunciation
1. Click on me! crossword puzzle

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