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Test Your Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) knowledge!




Atlantic Clean Energy Stewards



You have just designed a brand new airport using SAF, but to open the airport, the investors must know that you are knowledgeable enough to be in charge.They have decided that each terminal is locked until you can answer their questions.Answer all questions to unlock all terminals and you win!!Explore the terminals of the airport to collect clues that will help you find the answers.



explore the terminals

Terminal 1

Terminal 5

Terminal 6

Terminal 4

Terminal 3

Terminal 2

Terminal 7

Terminal 8




I was told this whole airline could be mine, but first, I need to prove I am worthy to take it over. I need to go to the first terminal.


Pasaje secreto al ESTUDIO (un movimiento)


you did it!

Contrails are not bad for the environment, it is just water vapour that is formed from the heat of the engine.

They are like clouds and when the sun shines on them it reflects some of the heat back up resulting in hotter or cooler temperatures.

When the constrails are mixed with naturally occuring clouds they produce acid rain.

They are bad for the environment because they have dangerous chemicals in them.


Why are contrails from plane engines bad for the environment?

Two to go, two to go, finally I have reached Terminal 7. I hope this clue holds all of the answers.

Photon Transfer Liquid



ms. purple

mr. yellow




Power to liquid, Invented by Franz FIscher & Hans Tarles

Power to Light, Invented by Charles Darwin & Nikola Tesla

Power to liquid, Invented by Franz Fischer & Hans Tropsch

Phase Transfer Light, Invented by Isaac Fischer

What does PTL stand for?and Who invented PTL?






USB drive



SAF can only be produced from used oils such as cooking oil from restaraunts

Practically any organic waste that is produced can be used to produce SAF

SAF can only be produced from corn from farms


What types of feedstocks are able to be used to produce SAF?

Finally I am at Terminal 5. Past the halfway point, it must be time for lunch.


Once you have figured out the solution, click on the plane in the center of the board to solve the mystery and obtain the key that will allow you to escape from the Airport. But be careful, if you answer incorrectly, you will be out of the game.

Go to each Terminal in order and answer the questions. The correct answer awards you a clue.





game instructions

Collect all 8 clues to solve the final question and win the game!

Have fun.

It does not produce carbon dioxide

Crops that are used to produce the SAF can be regrown practically indefinently

SAF can be used over and over again


What makes SAF sustainable and more environmentally friendly?

When I entered Terminal 1 it was just as I thought! Each terminal would have questions and clues. It’s time I start collecting clues.

PTL doesn't stand for Power to Light!

When SAF is burned from the plane it is neutralized using other chemicals resulting in no carbon dioxide being released

SAF is carbon neutral because when the plants are produced they absorb the same amount of carbon dioxide that is released when the SAF is burned.

SAF does not produce any carbon when it is burned


How is SAF carbon neutral when it releases carbon dioxide to the atmosphere when burned?

This Terminal 3 question really has me thinking…. If I breathe out carbon dioxide, am I carbon neutral?

Power __ ______ was Invented by _____ Flscher & ____ ______

Airport infastruce must change first to then role out the use of SAF

It is currently expenisve and costs more then traditional jet fuel

Companies can't produce enough to meet the demand of planes flying around the world

It isn't as reliable as traditional jet fuel that has been used for a long time


Why isn't SAF being used on every airline rightnow?

Well I have reached the last terminal. After this, I should have all of the clues I need to finally solve the last question and achieve my dream of owning this airline.

Power to Light Good Luck, Answer the last question and TAKE-OFF

Once you have worked out the solution, click on the magnifying glass in the center of the board to solve the mystery and obtain the key that will allow you to escape the mansion. But be careful, if you answer incorrectly, you will be out of the game.


This process is repeated with each player. You have to try to get all the clues.


You need to enter all the Terminals of the airport to uncover the clues. Inside each room, you have to answer a question. If you answer correctly, you get the clue; if you fail, you lose your turn. You can use your turn inside the room to use a secret passage if the room has one.


Each player rolls the die. The highest number starts and the game proceeds clockwise.


Choose your character.


Game instructions

Yes. Bigger fuels tanks on the plane need to be put in because the SAF doesn't burn as efficiently as traditional avation fuel

No. SAF is a drop in fuel so it can simply be put into aircraft engines without any worry of damaging it.

Yes. Engines need to be modified to accept SAF as the fuel can corode parts of it


Do aircraft have to be modified to accept SAF?

Three clues now, hopefully after this one I’ll start putting some pieces together. I will be halfway to my dream.

Nikola Tesla pioneered the generation, transmission, and use of alternating current (AC) electricity, he did not invent PTL

Different methods of getting fuel into the plane must be used


Different fuel trucks need to be used to hold the SAF to then be put into the plane


What changes need to be made to the airport infastructure for the use of SAF?

Wow am I ever glad I did my research on SAF. I wonder what Terminal 2 will ask me.

ONE of the Inventors of.....

The liquid is retained in the crops somewhat like how cocunuts have water in them. This liquid is then exracted and is the SAF itself.

SAF is produced from hydrodeoxygenation from an organic feedstock. This is a process where oxygen atoms are removed from hydrocarbons and replaced with hydrogen.

SAF is produced from extracting liquids from organic material which is the SAF.


How is SAF produced?

All of this talk about sustainable aviation fuel is reminding me about other biofuels I can learn about. I wonder if SuperNOVA at Dalhousie has any on their website.

Not Tarles...