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The 7th Grade Social Studies Teachers and a Very Bad Day in Rome

Escape from Pompeii

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Choose from the options below to learn about different types of work in the Roman Empire

How People Worked

It is a beautiful day in the country outside Pompeii! Farmers are tending their crops of tomatoes, grapes, and wheat. It's hard work, but the food is fantastic!

Like many cities, Pompeii needed water to survive. Aqueducts brought water from the mountains outside the city to a massive reservoir where it was stored. The water was then piped from this indoor lake to wells around the city. An army of workers kept the system running and fixed any leaks!

Not everyone worked at hard labor. Romans who could read or write might work as an accountant, a scribe, or in part of the Roman Empire's bureaucracy keeping important records.

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Choose from the options below to learn about daily life in the Roman Empire

How People Lived

People in ancient Rome were often on the move, just like we are today! Fast food stands, like this thermopolium, were the ancient world's version of KFC or McDonalds. Care for some salted fish, lentils, or honey-roasted chicken?

Need some fresh veggies, some soap, or even some cloth for new clothes? Head to the market! Romans shopped in stores and in open-air markets. If you can't find it here, you don't need it!

The Romans had many gods in their pantheon. Most people had a patron god that they made offerings to. Families had a small shrine or altar in their homes. Sacrifices were common, and were usually offerings of food or animals that would be slaughtered. Priests prayed and worked in temples and organized festivals to celebrate important holidays.

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Choose from the options below to learn about different types of art in the Roman Empire

What People Created

Romans love extravagant art. By smashing stones, tiles, or glass, artists arrange together small pieces to create images to represent their everyday lives, beliefs or history. Archeologists love to study these as they require great talent and skill to create!

Did we mention that Romans loved art. Frescoes were incredibly popular in the homes of the wealthy. Artists put a thin coat of plaster on a wall and then painted on it as it dried. This locked the image in place and made it permanent. Imagine the pressure of having to paint the scene perfectly on the first try!

Let's explore life in a fancy Roman Home!

Roman Villa Life


Summer in Rome was brutal. If you could spend the summers in the country, you would go to a villa! Villas were large country houses. A central courtyard like this shows off the fountains, marble statues, and gardens.


This was the main living room, where Romans would relax and entertain. Romans liked large rooms with high ceilings. There were only a few pieces of very fine furniture. The furniture would be beautifully carved or decorated.

Life in Rome is amazing!

As you can see, life was pretty sweet in Rome and Pompeii! Unfortunately, Mt. Vesuvius was not an ideal neighbor. On a fall day in 79 CE the volcano suddenly erupted. Clouds of ash, smoke, and debris began to rain down on the people of Pompeii and Herculaneum. The city was suddenly thrown into chaos.

This seems bad. Maybe we should try to get out of town. It's decision time!

Stay put!

Try the roads!

Go by water!

Choose from the options below to try to escape Pompeii!

Try to Escape


Steal a rowboat

Buy a ticket for a boat

Choose from the options below to try to escape Pompeii!

Ok, let's try to go by water!

Water Escape is not working let's try something else

Ok, normally I don't approve of stealing, but this is an emergency. You don't know how to sail, so you steal a rowboat. Turns out you're not as strong as you thought. You're really not getting anywhere. Better jump out and swim back to shore.


Swim? Really? Even if you could make it to an island, which you can't, there aren't any nearby. Head back to shore and make a better choice!


Buying a ticket for the ship seemed like a great idea, but it's not working out like you'd hoped. Debris keep hitting the ship, injuring the crew. The sails are starting to catch fire. Better jump out and swim back to shore!



Rent a horse

Buy a spot on a wagon

How do you want to do this?

Let's escape on the road!



Ok, it seems like we're not the only ones who had the idea to try to walk (or run) out of town. The roads are pretty crowded though, and you're not really getting anywhere. You know what, let's just head inside and think things over.

Back Inside

Watch from the yard

Hide under the bed

Hide in the basement

Where are you going now?

Ok, you're staying put.



"Hm, staying here may be a mistake..."

Standing around while poisonous gas fills the air and debris falls from the sky...? Better rethink things.



The destruction of Pompeii was a massive human tragedy. However, the site is also an incredible resource for historians. The city was frozen in time by the ash and debris. Archaeologists have discovered chariots, housewares, and other pieces of daily life that are often destroyed or thrown away. Pompeii has helped us develop a better understanding of what life was like for ordinary people in an ordinary city in the Roman Empire.

Why does Pompeii matter?

Use the navigation buttons and action choices to navigate through today's lesson. You have two goals: First, learn about daily life and art in Rome. Second, escape Pompeii.

What are we doing?

  • Use the home button to get back to your choices.
  • Use the reverse button to get back here.