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Oct. 20
White House requests $106 billion in emergency funding for US allies, humanitarian aid, and border control.
Timeline of foreign aid and border control measures in Congress
$118 billion bipartisan bill that combines foreign aid with border control goes down in Senate 49-51.
Feb. 7
 Presiden Biden meets with Congressional leaders to discuss the aid deadlock and the border security deal
Jan. 17 
Democratic Senators block $14.3 billion standalone Israel aid package that aims to cut money from IRS.
Nov. 14
Senate starts debate on $95.3 billion foreign aid bill (without border control, but with humanitarian aid).
Feb. 8
Standalone Israel aid package (without money cut from IRS) endorsed by Johnson fails in House 250-180.
Feb. 6
$110.5 billion emergency spending bill proposed by White House is blocked in Senate 49-51.
Dec. 6