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Amy Sims
Grand Canyon University
EDU-522: Curriculum Design Theories
Dr. Heather Hamtil
January 31, 2024
Three Types of 
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Three Types of LearningTheories

Amy SimsGrand Canyon UniversityEDU-522: Curriculum Design TheoriesDr. Heather HamtilJanuary 31, 2024





Major theorist- VygotskyPiagetDewey


Memory- With the constructivism learning theory it is believed students are successful in the learning when they question things and make connections. It is more about utilizing their schema vs rote memory.

Charactaristics -

  • Through participation the learner gains knowledge
  • Metacognition is key where students think about their thinking

According to the Constructivism theory learning occurs when...

  • students use their schema to make connections and meaning
  • Learning is active
  • bakcground knowledge is used to support new learning
(WGU, 2020)

Types of learning-According to the WGU artile What is Constructivism the types of learning are social, cognitive, radical (2020).

(Ornstein & Hunkins, 2016)

(Ornstein & Hunkins, 2016)


Major theorist- Edward ThorndikeTyler and Hilda Taba

Charactaristics -

  • Motivate students in the beginning - find a hook
  • Change the conditions to change the behavior
  • Reward and reinforce desired behavior

Memory- With the Behaviorism learning theory it is believed simply memorizing information was not necessary. It is more important that concepts be applicable in various situations. This learning theory best supports learning through inquiry, observation and modeling.

According to the Behaviorism theory learning occurs when...

  • generalizations are created
  • students are problem solving
  • learning is inquiry based

(Ornstein & Hunkins, 2016)

Eight types of learning-Signal learning, stimulus-response, motor chain, verbal association, multiple discrimination, concepts, rules, and problem solving.


Major theorist- PlaoDescartes

According to the Cognitivismtheory learning occurs when...

  • students understand their own thinking
  • internal and external facrots are considered
  • students are allowed to fail

Charactaristics -

  • Internal and external factors are necessary
  • metacognition is essential
  • is a mental process

Types of learning-This theory believes that learning happens when students are allowed to question, test ideas and fail, and think about their thinking (WGU, 2020)

(WGU, (2020) Five educational learning theories)

  • Ornstein, A. C., & Hunkins, F. P. (2016). Curriculum: foundations, principles, and issues. (7th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. ISBN-13: 9780134060354
  • WGU, (2020). Five educational learning theories. https://www.wgu.edu/blog/five-educational-learning-theories2005.html
  • WGU, (2020). What is constructivism. https://www.wgu.edu/blog/what-constructivism2005.html


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