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realizzato da Sessa Michela IIB
presentation of her story
and her family
 anne frank
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realizzato da Sessa Michela IIB

presentation of her story and her family

anne frank


Anne Franke was born on June 12,1929,in Frankfurt,Germany.Her mother was Edit Franke,and her father ,Otto Frank,was lieutenant in the German army during Word War I.Ann also had a sister named Margot.The Franke was a typical middle-class German-Jewish family.

Anne Franke and her family

Anne Franke was born on June 12,1929,in Frankfurt,Germany.


The Opekta Company

When Hitler became chancellor of Germany on January 20,1933,the Frank family realize that was time to flee.They moved to Amsterdam in the fall of 1933.Anne describe the circumstances of her family's emigration years later in her diary:"Because we're Jewish,my father immigrated to Holland in 1933,where he became managing of the Dutch Opekta Company"


Anne began attending Amsterdam's Sixth Montessori School in 1934,and she lived happy and norman childhood.She had many friends,Dutch and German,Jewis and Christian,and she was a bright student.

Anne Frank and life in Amsterdam

Anne began attending Amsterdam's Sixth Montessori School in 1934,and she lived happy and normal childhood.She had many friends,Dutch and German,Jewis and Christian,and she was a bright student.


Nazi Germany invasion

But all changed on September 1,1939, when Nazi Germany invaded Poland, ingniting a global conflict that became Word War II. On May 10,1940, the German army invaded the Netherland.The Dutch surrendered on May 15,1940.


Her birthday present

On June 12,1942, Anne's parents gave her a red checkered diary for her 13th birthday. She wrote her first entry,addressed to an imaginary friend named Kitty,that same day.


The time in the secret hiding

Weeks later on July 5,1942,Margot received an official summons to report to a Nazi work camp.The very next day the family went into hiding.They spent two years in hiding.To pass the time,Anne wrote extensive daily entries in her diary.In addition,she filled a notebook with quotes from her favuorite authors,original stories and the beginnings of a novel about her time in the Secret Annex.


The arrest

On August 4,1944, a German secret police officer accompanied by four Dutch Nazis stormed into the Secret Annex and arrested everyone and sent them to the Auschwitz Dutch camp.


The die of Anne and Margot

After several month of hard labuor Anne and Margot went to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany.They both came down with typhus and died within a day of each other sometime in March 1945, only a few weeks before British soldiers liberated the camp.

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