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the right to bear arms

 gun control

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the right to bear arms

gun control



This is an important issue in the United States today, because there are many accidents or even homicides that include this weapons at home, an example can be a kid that grabs or take the gun and shot someone by a mistake.

- This affects to everyone, just because all will have at least a gun in their houses, where anyone, can get it.

-The background of the right to bear arms is simple, it occurred in part thanks to the ''Bill of Rights 1689''. This established that people can have guns in order to protect themselves.

and why this is an important issue in the United States today?

Find at least one graph or chart that relates to your topic and provide analysis of the data to support your ideas. Remember to link it in your sources.

What is the background of the issue your amendment will address, who the issue affects?

Or also with the insurance on.

The gun must be always be unloaded.

The gun must be always away from kids.

This can be an example of a gun licence, that everyone who wants a gun at their homes in order to be safe, must get, to ontain it.

My proposed amendment, or even better said, my change of this amendment is divided in 4 parts:1- First of all, get a personal safety gun licence, in order to get basic knowlegde and also to get informed about when and how can you use the gun. 2- The gun, must me in a safety place, away from kids, or in a place where only the person with the licence knows. 3- The gun must be always unloaded, this means without bullets in it. 4- If you can't let your gun unloaded, by any reason, the gun have the insurance on.

What is your proposed amendment (be specific) and how does it benefit those affected?

- It will not reduce the n umber inmediately, but it will do it, if everyone follows the steps and rules.

- Maybe, we can't know who used in every case, but the responsability will be of the person who has the licence and also because he should have respected every rule.

-¿Will it really reduce the number of involuntary homicides?

¿How can you know who used the gun in case of an accident?

- Every licence will have a chip inside, with the data of the person, similar to an id

Some bad points that I see can be:- ¿How can you know who has or not a gun?

My modification of the amendment will try to reduce the number of involuntary homicides, and also imrpoving the safety in the houses of everyone.

How will your amendment solve the problem you identified?

What do you think the arguments against your amendment proposal might be and how will you counter-argue those points?

  • https://uscatholic.org/articles/202308/the-right-to-life-takes-priority-over-the-right-to-bear-arms/(gun image)
  • https://laststand.com/products/right-to-bear-arms-t-s (bears image)
  • https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/improve-safety-culture-within-organization-emre-gur (improving safety)
  • https://www.npr.org/2023/11/30/1196978309/guns-in-the-home-child-safety (gun with ensure on)
  • https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/government-continues-british-era-exemption-given-to-kodavas-of-coorg-for-arms-licence/articleshow/71824033.cms?from=mdr (gun licence)
  • https://www.mottchildren.org/posts/your-child/gun-safety-and-children (gun in safety place)
  • https://segured.com/2014/12/18/como-evitar-accidentes-con-armas-de-fuego/ (unloaded gun)
  • https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/amdt2-2/ALDE_00013262/ (background)
  • https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2015/08/10/to-keep-and-bear-arms (chart)


Here are all the webs, where I visited in order to look for information and data:

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