Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

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Final gift


Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, with no need to download?

Write the wrong answer here

Write the correct answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Question 1/4

Did you know that images illustrate what you want to say and allow you to add additional info?

Write the wrong answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Write the correct answer here

Question 2/4

Did you know that images are an aesthetic resource that tell stories all by themselves and, what’s more, they keep the brain awake?

Write the correct answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Question 3/4

Did you know that multimedia content is essential for achieving that Wow effect in your creations?

Write the wrong answer here

Write the correct answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Question 4/4


Gifts to decorate!

Incorrect!You get coal.



Final gift





Question 1/4

Write the wrong answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Write the correct answer here

Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, with no need to download?

Question 2/4

Write the correct answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Did you know that images illustrate what you want to say and allow you to add additional info?

Question 3/4

Write the wrong answer here

Write the correct answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Did you know that images are an aesthetic resource that tell stories all by themselves and, what’s more, they keep the brain awake?

Question 4/4

Write the wrong answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Write the correct answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Did you know that multimedia content is essential for achieving that Wow effect in your creations?


Gifts to decorate!

Bad kidslist




Final gift





Write the wrong answer here

Question 1/4

Write the correct answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, with no need to download?

Write the wrong answer here

Question 2/4

Write the wrong answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Write the correct answer here

Did you know that images illustrate what you want to say and allow you to add additional info?

Write the wrong answer here

Question 3/4

Write the wrong answer here

Write the correct answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Did you know that images are an aesthetic resource that tell stories all by themselves and, what’s more, they keep the brain awake?

Write the wrong answer here

Question 4/4

Write the correct answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Did you know that multimedia content is essential for achieving that Wow effect in your creations?


Gifts to decorate!

Incorrect!You lose gifts.



Final gift





Question 1/4

Write the wrong answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Write the correct answer here

Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, with no need to download?

Question 2/4

Write the wrong answer here

Write the correct answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Did you know that images illustrate what you want to say and allow you to add additional info?

Question 3/4

Write the correct answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Did you know that images are an aesthetic resource that tell stories all by themselves and, what’s more, they keep the brain awake?

Question 4/4

Write the wrong answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Write the correct answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Did you know that multimedia content is essential for achieving that Wow effect in your creations?


Gifts to decorate!

Incorrect!Smokey chimney.








Merry Christmas!



Do you want to leave without decorating your Christmas tree?