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ТЕМА: Особенности планирования работы с учащимися по подготовке к олимпиаде. Выполнение олимпиадных заданий по учебному предмету «Английский язык». Лексика. Грамматика.


Put in prepositions where necessary . Her car differs ______ my BMW. I've never believed ______ private education. We admire Steve's courage; we admire him ______ being brave. Susan objected ______ going to bed so early. He doesn't approve ______ my family. Author shares memories as he copes ______ last days of his ailing mother. She never really recovered ______ the shock of losing her child. They suspect him ______ robbing the bank. Sometimes people confess ______ deeds they haven't committed just to get attention. They couldn't agree ______ the colour of the car they were going to buy.

Перефразирование предложений с использованием модальных глаголов.

I’m sure she hasn’t left because her coat’s still here. HAVE She ________________ because her coat’s still here.

It was possible that he was having a shower, so he couldn’t hear the bell. MAY He ________________ shower, so he couldn’t hear the bell.

There’s someone at the door, but it’s too early for Kate. BE There’s someone at the door, but ________________ because it’s too early.

I’m sure Sue was pleased when she saw the coat you bought her. BEEN Sue ________________ when she saw the coat you bought her.

Test 10
Test 9
Test 8
Test 7
Test 6
Test 5
Test 4
Test 3
Test 2
Test 1


согласование подлежащего и сказуемого. задания на употребление видовременных форм глагола.

the news isn't very encouraging, I'm afraid.Five hundred thousand pounds was donated to build a new hospital wing.Clothes, people, police, stairs, outskirts, wages, cattle, poultry, trousers, pyjamas + plural verbBoth + a plural verb: Both men work at the bankNeither of/None of/Either of+ plural noun - a singular or plural verb: Neither of the films has/have won an award.All+ a plural verb: All the actors were brilliant.Both ...and + a plural verbNeither...nor/Either...or + depending on the subject which follows "nor/or"A number of + a plural verbThe number of + a singular verbThe majority/minority+ a plural verb


Third Conditional

Second Conditional

First Conditional

Mixed Conditional

Relative clauses

Modal verbs


Ю.С. КОЛОКОЛОВА, учитель английского языка ГУО «Гимназия №1 г.Волковыска»

Особенности работы с заданиями на нахождение ошибок.

Прочитайте текст. Из каждой строки (В9–В18) выпишите ОДНО лишнее слово. B9. Edinburgh is called The Athens of the North. It may not to have the great climate B10. of Greece, but it may has its influence in its architecture. The New Town has many B11. important buildings, inspired by these classical architecture. Today, this area of B12. Edinburgh is full of either galleries, cafés and shops and is very popular with the B13. hundreds of thousands of tourists that have visit the city all year round. Probably B14. the far most famous building is Edinburgh Castle. Parts of the castle date back as B15. far as the 11th century. Back then, the city was such dark and foggy because of all B16. the fires which were burning itself. Today Edinburgh is known for better things. B17. One of the most important events is the Fringe Festival which takes it’s place every B18. summer and fills the city with much performers and tourists from all over the world.

А.Г. Седляр, учитель английского языка ГУО «Средняя школа № 7 г.Волковыска»

интернет-ресурсы для составления проверочных тестов.

О.Р.Крупта, учитель английского языка ГУО «Средняя школа № 4 г.Волковыска»

Разбор заданий централизованного экзамена/централизованного тестирования 2022/2023 уч.г., олимпиады по английскому языку 2022/2023 уч.г. на нахождение ошибок, перефразирование предложений с употрбеление модальных и фразовых глаголов, предложений с выражениями "had better, would rather, wish/if only, it's (high/about) time, заданий "1 in 3", определение компонентов сборника тестовых заданий по грамматике и лексике.


Mixed Conditional

Nouns and articles

Relative clauses


Linking words

Modal verbs


Методический продукт

ССылка на олимпиадные задания ( http://surl.li/ostfy ) Ссылка на материалы ЦТ (https://eschool3volkovysk.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_33.html )

Создать тесты на перефразирование предложений

Домашнее задание (до 27 марта 2024 года)

Создать тесты на употребление видовременных форм глагола

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Домашнее задание (до 27 марта 2024 года)