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Motivationg notes to make your day !
Happiness notes
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Motivationg notes to make your day !

PIF Project

Happiness notes

7. Thanks

6. Comparison

5. Timeline

4. Steps

3. Statistics

2. Quote

1. The Project


  • Give to people kind notes for free in Magny (place du marché).
  • Ask them to "pay it forward" : give the note to another person and ask to him/her to give it to a new person, and so on...
  • Objective is to make people cheerful and pass on their joy to a new person. At the end happiness will be spread in all the town.

The Project

"The best motivation is self-motivation" - Jim Rohn

A happiness survey, in 2022, showed that 81% of France's population answered they were "happy" or "rather happy" when asked the question " Are you happy ? ".



of people are happy

Happiness Survey

The notes are going to effect the people we give them to =>boost self-confidence, create a feeling of happiness, etc...


During the project we will be on market square in Magny. We will ask the city hall if we can have stands to give the notes. It should be a day when there is the market because there will be more people on that occasion.

Location and date

Prepare between 200 to 400 notes written properly on a small piece of paper that will then be plastified.(The paper can be coloured).







January/ Febuary



Final Presentation

1st semester

Thinking of a project


Research has found a link between an upbeat mental state and improved health, including lower blood pressure, reduced risk for heart disease, healthier weight, better blood sugar levels, and longer life.(NIH News in Health)

"Our bodies are designed to deal with stressful situations by releasing cortisol into the bloodstream, making you more alert and focused. Though some stress is good for us, too much can be detrimental to your health."(marquemedical.com)

To be happy and self confident makes us felling positive which causes to be happy, healthier and lead us to be more oppened to other people.

Happiness, self-confidence

To be unhappy and self-doubting creats negativity. When someone is negative all they decisions their opinions are always bad .

Unhappiness, self-doubt



Thank you !

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