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Memory Challenge

from slavery to liberty

black history month

MC Practise

III. Fight against segregation

II. The abolition of slavery and Segregation

black history in the usa

I. Slavery in the USA

Harriet Tubman


What can you see?

escaping from slavery

music as a source of relief

let's work together as a group!

Life conditions

Let's anticipate

I. slavery in the USA

Thomas Garrett

Harriet Becher stowe

william Lloyd Garrison

Frederick douglass

Intermediate task

The Drinking Gourd
WS 4
Quiz 3E
WS 6
Strange Fruits / Billie Holiday

The Ku Klux Klan (WS 5)

The Jim Crow Laws

The American Civil War

II. The abolition of slavery and segregation


everyday life activism

an artist against segregation

Singers against segregation

III. Fight against segregation

WS 10

Rosa parks

WS 9
Date and place of birth: Feb 3rd, in 1894, in NYCDate and place of death: Nov 8th, in 1978, in StockbridgeNationality: AmericanOccupation: IllustratorMajor works: Four Freedoms, Rosie the Riveter

Norman Rockwell

Tu vas devoir faire un exposé sur l'une de ces personnalités en donnant a minima les informations suivantes: - date et lieu de naissance - date et lieu de mort - nationalité - métier(s) - 5 événements importants dans leur vie Explique en quoi son action a eu de l'importance dans la libération des Noirs.

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  • Generate experiences with your content.
  • It’s got the Wow effect. Very Wow.
  • Make sure your audience remembers the message.
  • Activate and surprise your audience.