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Looker Help Guide
Shayna Kurland
Created on December 20, 2023
Over 30 million people create interactive content in Genially.
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Remember: any changes you make only affect your own view and don't permenantly change anything so you can explore and be curious without any negative repercusions!
Refer to this guide after attending a live training to refresh your understanding of the dynamic and interactive features in Looker!
How to use the new dashboard
Clickable Elements
Tile Actions
About Looker
Explore the topics below by clicking the most applicable help page for your needs.
TIP: any changes you make only affect your own view and don't permenantly change anything, so you can explore and be curious without any negative repercusions!
Embrace a transformative experience with Looker, where switching to this new platform not only enhances data accessibility, but also revolutionizes the way we interact with information. It empowers users like you to explore data independently, freeing you from predetermined views. Say farewell to static displays and welcome interactivity! Looker breathes life into our data, offering exploration, sharing, and visualization in a user-friendly format. This innovative approach to complex data sets fosters more informed and strategic decision-making.
About Looker
After you've selected your desired filters, make sure to click the refresh button on the top-right to see the changed view.
Filters can always be found at the very top of your dashboard.
Filters allow you to narrow down and focus on specific subsets of data within your dashboard. Each filter will show additional options after you click on it. In the Hard Report, "is any value" is the default in the filters meaning that the filter is not in use. Click on the specific filter you'd like to explore and then "any value" to select your desired options. Most filters are straight forward, like choosing which locals to look at. The Report Date has additional options under Preset (things like yesteray, last 30 days, etc) or specific dates you choose under Custom.
Sorting in Tables
Line Graphs
There are several other ways to interact with your data using Looker. Anytime your cursor turns from an arrow to a pointing hand you are hovering over something clickable. Click an element below to read more about the interactivity it offers.
Other Clickable Elements
Most tiles (boxes that house data elements like charts or counts) will have 3 dots on the upper right corner of the tile when you hover over it with your mouse. If you click the 3 dots, you'll find several options like in the screen shot on the left. If you have permission to do so, you can click Download Data which will provide you with several more options to download the data from the tile in excel or as an image. Note that this is the data visible in the report, not the underlying member data. View gives you the option to expand the individual tile as a popup or full screen image. Clear cache & refresh will refresh any underlying data, but only for that tile. If you'd like to refresh the dashboard, a better option is to click the reload button on the top-right of your screen instead or use the refresh button on your browser to clear all filters and start over. You'll see additional Tile Actions if you're viewing a Table that allow you to customize header widths. Headers will also have separate action menus where you can do things like freeze headers or copy values.
Tile Actions
You can sort columns in the table visualization by selecting column headers within the visualization. Each time you select a header, its column switches between ascending and descending sort order. A chevron appears in the column header to indicate that the chart is sorted by that column. You can sort by multiple columns by holding down the Shift key and then selecting the column headers in the order you would like them sorted. Clicking the 3 dots gives more options like "freeze" to freeze headers as you scroll through the table.
Remove a line in a line chart by clicking on the applicable button in the legend. In the example below "New hire recruitment rate" has been removed and the Y-axis auto re-sized to the lines that are still selected.
Drill Into allows you to filter to hyper-specific data within the tile that you're viewing in the dashboard. A new table or graph will appear with just the selected data. You may even have the option to drill further into the data by clicking on a section of the bar chart.
There are often clickable numbers in tables and charts that allow you to explore the number in another way. This answers the "what's this?" question that you may have when looking at a specific number. Below is an example of what it might look like.