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Episode 1


Pregunta 1 de 5

What can you see in the Big Page?

a. There are two books and a ball.

b. There are two chairs and a plant on a small table.

c. There is a big clock and a computer.


Pregunta 2 de 5

Where is Tabaré's notebook?

b. It is under the car in the garage.

a. It is on the bookcase in the garage.

c. It is on the bookcase in his room.


Pregunta 3 de 5

Mía's post is about a Halloween party.

b. No.

a. Yes.

c. It doesn't say.


Pregunta 4 de 5

Why is it bad to gossip about others?

c. It is bad because you can hurt them.

a. It is bad because you help them.

b. It is bad because gossiping is boring.


Pregunta 5 de 5

Why can Mía notice that Alex is playing video games?

a. She can notice that because she can see his avatar online.

b. She can notice that because Alex is with her.

c. She can notice that because Tabaré is playing, too.


Diseñadores de consignas: Prof. Torres Beltrán, Celina MagalíProf. Canevaro, Alicia CeciliaProf. Aranda Ansermet, Belkis MaríaDiseñador de entorno gráfico del juego Lic. Liliana Elizabet OcampoIlustrador Lic. Franco Agustín Ríos



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