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Welcome to the Joseph Priestley Laboratory!

This is where you will do all of your synthetic chemistry as well as analytical components, in a lab designed to give you the opportunity to perform practical work in an industry-standard environment.

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Welcome to the Joseph Priestley Laboratory!

This is where you will do all of your synthetic chemistry as well as analytical components, in a lab designed to give you the opportunity to perform practical work in an industry-standard environment.
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Welcome to the Joseph Priestley Laboratory!This is where you will do all of your synthetic chemistry as well as analytical components, in a lab designed to give you the opportunity to perform practical work in an industry-standard environment.

Welcome to the Joseph Priestley Laboratory!This is where you will do all of your synthetic chemistry as well as analytical components, in a lab designed to give you the opportunity to perform practical work in an industry-standard environment.Click on an arrow to explore more!


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Fume Cupboard


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How to find us

How to find Priestley Lab

At the end of the corridor leading away from Chaston Chapman Lounge is a lift - take this lift up to the 2nd floor and you will come out in the central area of Priestley Lab!

How to find Priestley Lab

Locate Chaston Chapman Lounge - this is a communal space students may use for general studying, and has its own hot drinks machine, and vending machine for snacks You can find the lounge by following the signposting from the main entranceThis is an ideal space to wind down after lab classes, meet classmates before lectures, or somewhere to take a lunch break!

(Image Credit: Google Maps, 2023)

This is what the main entrance to the chemistry building looks like from Woodhouse Lane, just along from the Parkinson Steps

Not sure what the Chemistry building looks like?

Fume CupboardPriestley lab has a total of 64 fume cupboards. Students are assigned a fume cupboard, shared with another student, at the start of the academic year where they will do all their practical work.

Heater/ Stirrer

Cold Water Taps

Mercury Manometer This indicates the strength of the vacuum from the vacuum lines; the lower the value, the better the vacuum

Nitrogen Lines

Vacuum Line

Dials There are several dials below the fume cupboard, controlling taps for water, gas, nitrogen, and the vacuum system

Student WorkbaysPriestley lab can hold a maximum capacity of 120 students at one time! Students are allocated a fume cupboard to do all their practical work in, as well as benchtop space, and their own drawer of glasswareClick on an icon to find out more!



Student Drawers


Melting Point Apparatus

UV Viewing Box


Analytical ToolsPriestley lab is equipped with several analytcial tools, including two magnetic susceptibility balances, a UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, and three Infrared Spectroscopy MetersClick on each piece of equipment for more information!


Infrared Spectrometer There are 3 IR machines in the lab, used to help identify samples based on their apparent absorption and transmission of infrared radiation.

Magnetic Susceptibility Meters There are 2 magnetic susceptibility meters in the lab, used for measuring the degree of magnetization of a sample in response to an applied magnetic field.

UV Spectrophotometer There is one UV-Vis in the lab, which collects results in the visible light range, with its own built-in printer

Rotavap and Chiller

Water Bath You can change the temperature of the water bath using the buttons or dial


RotaVap Attach your flask here and monitor as solvent is evaporated, you can change the speed of rotation on the dial above

Evaporated solvent will condense here

Student Glassware Drawers Students in 2nd and 3rd Year are assigned their own set of drawers, complete with all the glassware they will need for their experiements for the year. It is the students responsibility to keep their drawers tidy and glassware clean to ensure their reactions have no impurities!

Priestley Laboratory StoresThis is where you will find the technical team! Our technicians are on hand throughout the day to assist with the smooth running of the lab class, and to provide an insight into the workings of the specialist analytical equipment students will use.



Who's who?The lab coats worn in Priestley lab are colour-coded for health and safety reasons. Each student recieves their own white lab coat at the start of the year, along with their own name badge to wear on the front of their lab coat.


Analytical ToolsPriestley lab is equipped with several analytcial tools, including Infrared Spectroscopy Meters, a light miscroscope, and a bunsen burner for making glass tools for further sample analysisClick on each piece of equipment for more information!


Printer This is where IR Spectra is printed, for all IR machines

Infrared Spectrometer There are 3 IR machines in the lab, used to help identify samples based on their apparent absorption and transmission of infrared radiation.

Light Microscope This low-power microscope may be used to view your samples to a higher magnification

Bunsen Burner Students in Priestley lab will learn basic glasswork, including using this bunsen burner for making TLC applicators and Melting Point Tubes



Gas Chromatography

Priestley Lab has its own GC, a sophisticated analytical instrument used to separate and identify the components of a submitted sample.

Gas Chromatograph



Joseph Priestley Laboratory

Priestley Lab is split into two wings - East and West - centering on the Technicians stores, with each wing a mirror image of the otherClick on an arrow to explore more!

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Find out more about LEAF (Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework)