Social Science 6th-unit 3
Created on December 18, 2023
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What are the minority cultures in Spain?
What is a culture of peace?
Why are human rights important?
What is the European Union?
What are we going to learn about?
Political rights, to vote and to be a candidate.
Of movement and individual freedom.
Fundamental rights.
Agreed by EU countries
Free from discrimination, protection of data and justice.
What is the European Union?
The European Union is a political and economic union of 27 member countries. 1957: The Treaty of Rome created the European Economic Community (EEC). (Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Germany and Italy). 1993: EEC European Union (EU). VALUES OF THE EUROPEAN UNION
Symbols of the EU
Brussels (Belgium)
Brussels (Belgium)
Brussels (Belgium)
Strasbourg (France).
Institutions of European Union
There are 4 decision-making institutions of European Union.
European Parliament
Represents the citizens of the countries, selected by them.
Council of the EU
Europe's Day
Represents the government of the EU countries.
European Comission
Represents the common interests of the EU.
European Council
The heads of governments of the EU countries.
Spanish agency of International Cooperation of development: fights against poverty and focuses on human rights and fundamental freedoms, gender perspective, environmental quality and respect for cultural diversity.
- Express their views freely in matters that affect them.
- Freedom of expression.
- Freedom of peaceful assembly.
- Information
Rights of children
Rights of Spanish citizens
- Spanish citizens are equal before the law and may not be discriminated.
- Freedom of ideology, religion
- Choose their residence and move in the country freely.
- Freely express their ideas and opinions.
- Education and healthcare.
Why are human rights important?
Human rights are UNIVERSAL and INDIVISIBLE. They are applicable to EVERYONE and CANNOT BE TAKEN AWAY.
- All the humans have the right to be treated equally, without taking into account race, religion, nationality, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age or other status.
Ensures that everyone has an equal oportunity to live their life based on their choices. 21st century:
- More girls are attending schools than in previous centuries.
- Women are present in workplace and men are caring for their families.
Government: equal laws for all people. Companies: inclusive and diverse policies. Individuals: respect and treat others as equals.
Actions towards equality
8. Disarment: reducing the number of weapons
4. Gender equality
1989 (Ivory Coast): in an International Congress organised by UNESCO, they proposed creating a culture of peace that contrasted with the culture of war.
7. Free flow of information (freedom of opinion, expression...)
6. Tolerance: respects everyone's right to be different
5. Democratic participation to influence governments
3. Promotion of sustainable and social development
2. Education for peace in schools and families
1. Respect for human rights
What is a culture of peace?
Analysing conflicts
A culture of peace solves conflicts by taking into account their causes through: dialogues, critical thinking and negotiations.
- Description of the situation objectively.
- Understanding the perspectives of everyone.
- Looking for solutions that meet everyone's needs.
What are the minority cultures in Spain?
Cultural diversity: respects the presence of diverse groups in a society and values their backgrounds and socio-cultural differences.
- Spain has a rich history of people who came to the Iberian Peninsula (phoencians, greeks, Carthaginians, Visigoths, Muslims...)
- At the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries: people from other EU countries, South America, Africa and Asia came to Spain.
Languages of SPAIN
We are in a plurilingual country and our main official language is SPANISH. There are other official languages:
- Catalan and Aranés (Cataluña and Illes Balears).
- Valencian (Comunitat Valenciana).
- Galician (Galicia).
- Basque (Euskadi and Navarra).
- Aragonés (Aragón)
- Bable (Asturias)
- Silbo Gomero-Whistle. (Isla de la Gomera).
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