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Everyday Life

  • Nobles and peasants lived close to each other, and they had to work together on many tasks:
    • growing food
    • making clothes
    • defending themselves.
  • However, their lives were very different.
  • The lives of men and women were also very different.


  • Normal day:
    • Nobles got up at dawn. They always had to be ready to fight, so they spent a lot of time practising using their weapons.
    • They also had to manage their land.
  • Leisure:
    • Poets, musician, jesters and acrobats entertained the nobles in their free time.
    • They also went hunting with falcons.


  • Food:
    • They ate lots of meat and fish.
  • Boys:
    • Boys lived with a knight from another family as a page (a kind of apprentice). They learned how to ride a horse and use weapons like swords and lances.


  • Marriage:
    • Noblewomen had to marry and have children.
    • Their parents arranged the marriage.
    • They had to obey their husband.
    • If they didn’t marry they became nuns.
  • Normal day:
    • They spent most of their time sewing and weaving.
    • They also looked after the children and organised the servants.


  • Leisure:
    • Noblewomen hardly ever went outside the castle.
  • Girls:
    • Girls were educated by their mothers.

Peasants men

  • Normal day:
    • Peasants worked in the fields from dawn to dusk (sunrise to sunset). In the summer, this meant getting up at 4 am.
    • They made some of their own tools using wood, leather and cow horn.

Peasants men

  • Leisure:
    • Peasants had very little free time, but a few times a year there were fairs and festivals.
  • Food:
    • Peasants normally ate bread and vegetable soup. Nevertheless, they occasionally had rabbit or pork.

Peasant women

  • Marriage:
    • Serf women had to get permission from the nobleman to marry.
    • They could only marry somebody from the same fief.


  • Normal day:
    • Like the men, the peasant women worked in the fields.
    • They also spent time cooking, looking after children, sewing and weaving.

  1. Choose one of the four types of person we have seen before. Write a paragraph about what they did on a normal day. Was it easier or more difficult than your normal day? Was it more interesting?
