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Rebecca was murdered in an alley way. Who is the killer???

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A bloody hand print had been found at the scene, the print hand been found on the garbage on the outside. The handprint had been a medium sized seems that the suspect of this print would be on the taller side, the blood had been dry and dark. The bloody hand print would be an example of a patent print, it had been easliy visible to the human eye and had made by blood. This is also an example of blood patterns the blood pattern that had been found was transfer which is blood on a surface, dried by the contact of two objects such as the hand and surface of the garbage canThis can give us further evidence and help us know whos handprint it had been on the garbage can, the blood can also help us find the DNA of who the blood belonged toMore info

  • - it is 13 inches long, has blood spatter on it, it's gray, it's metal
  • - it was found three feet in front of the dumpster
  • this relates to the class because...
  • the blood spatter implies that the victim was more than likely hit with another object before hand with a lot of force and since there are no other dents in the bat it seems like it was relatively new
  • There might be able to find some fingerprints on the bat or the handle of it in a la and then also be able to find out the type of blood to confirm it is Rebeccas
  • More info

Evidence found at the scene had been 3 needles along with trash besides it, with orange caps, estimated height would be 7 inches Evidence was found near the sidewalk near the brick wallThis would relate to physical evidence that had been talked about in class. Evidence would be classified as physical evidence- Physical evidence is a type of evidence that can prove something such as substance use, drug usage, and other. The needles show a substance use, the subtance had later been found to be heroin. This relates to toxocology because investigators had to determine whether the object had toxic chemicals or drugs This can help us determine the further symptoms of the victaim and whether they had injected themselves with heroin or not. More Info

This shoe print was found at the crime scene in several areas, near the garbage, side walk, and along the pavement, about a mens size 11. It had been raining the night before, due to this the alley way had been muddy causing a potential suspects footprint to be documented. This relates to what we learned in class, because we had learned about footprints and how it can be classified. We learned that footprints are found in half of all crime scenes. Also that if a foot print is found in mud or a puddle it should be sprinkled with stone dental over an area of an impression of 1 inch, it should be slightly thicker by scooping and it should dry for 60 minutes and air dry for 48 hours. This could be used as evidence to find a potential lead suspect, by finding their shoe size, wear or any other traces indicating who had been around the scene More info

  • Its a brown bottle with a lighter brown label indicating it is arsenic with the yellow word saying itand it is 4.23 inches tall and a diameter of 3.11 inches, there was also a few drops of a substance left within the bottle
  • it is 10 feet away from the dumpster where the body was found
  • This relates to this class because...
  • There were some fingerprint marks on he bottle which is a latent print and since there was some of the substance left that would be able to be put through a lab and processed to determine whats the substance
  • With proper forsenic analysis, they will be able to find some prints and pick them up to start trying to compare with the suspects and use the autopsy toxicology report to determine if the substance within the bottle was related to her death
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