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Number of teens who vape
What is vaping?
Click on     to learn more about the affects that vaping can have on both your physical and mental health
Vaping + the body
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Number of teens who vape

Additional statistics

Vaping market size

What you need to know about vaping

What is vaping?

Click on to learn more about the affects that vaping can have on both your physical and mental health

https://www.soocial.com/vaping-statistics/ https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/what-does-vaping-do-to-your-lungs https://blogs.bcm.edu/2021/05/06/vaping-and-mental-health-whats-the-connection/



Vaping + the body


The effects vaping has on your lungs

Although it can be safer than smoking, vaping still can be damaging to your lungs

Secondhand vapor can effect your lungs too

Bronchiolitis obliyrtans (BO) is a condition where the lungs' small airways are damaged. This is also known as popcorn lung


Mental Health

Individuals who struggle with depression, anziety, or other mental health conditions use vaping as a coping strategy.

  • Could be worsening existing mental health conditions
  • Can increase depressibe symproms
    • nicotine interupts the cerebral dopamine pathway


Vapes contain nicotine, a highly addictive substance.

  • Nicotine can be harmful to adolescent brain development.
    • brain development continues into mid twenties
  • People who use e-cigarettes at a young age are more likely to smore cigarettes in the future.

Did you know... Dangerous substances, listed above, can be emitted when someone exhales vapor. Secondhand vapor affects the lungs differently than vaping, however it is recommended it avoid if possible.




Ultrafine Particles

Did you know... That all of the substances above can be found in e-liquid or are produced when an e-liquid is heated up?




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