walking tour
Created on December 11, 2023
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A project by Elisa rori, Rachele Scarfò, Vittoria Amoroso and Isabella Canale
In antiquity Antium, which included Anzio and Neptune, was for a long time the capital of the Volscians, who inhabited the area of southern Latium (Lazio). The Volscians were among Rome's most dangerous enemies. Tito Livio, who did not think much of the Volscians, described them as a very warlike people. According to historians, many Roman nobles had their villas near the river Loracina, now Loricina, where numerous finds have been found, including an inscription that mentions "Nettuno olim Antium" or "Neptune once Antium."
A tipe of Oti Villa
Remains of the Villa that would have belonged to Cicerone with library, recently restored, which surprised everyone with the splendid colors of its original frescoes. The paintings, of great historical and artistic value, are now on display at the Anzio Civic Archaeological Museum. It was built around the middle of the second century B.C on the Capo d' Anzio plaeteau and at a high altitude compared to the sea.
Cicerone's villa
At the end of the Republican age, Anzio experienced a period of splendor as a favorite vacation spot for the patricians of Rome: temples and palaces decorated the city while along the coast were built the villas of the most important personages of the time. Emperors of the Julio-Claudian dynasty visited it frequently; Hadrian described it as one of the most beautiful places in Italy. Emperors Caligula was born in Antium, who wanted to make it the capital of the empire, and Nerone built his splendid villa there, embellishing both the palace and the city with famous marbles and statues. The remains of Roman villas all along the coast have yielded such works of art as The Maiden of Anzio, The Borghese Gladiator (now in the Louvre), and the Apollo del Belvedere, preserved in the Vatican. The name is "Villas Otii" because "Otii" in Latin means leisures, in fact in the villas people spent their free time relaxing
The villas in general
Otii villas
A tipe of Oti Villa
The villa's affiliation to Emperor Augustus, inserts it into the imperial private heritage, passing from time to time into the hands of each emperor who ascended the throne of Rome.The emperor's residence was built on the site of an earlier villa of Augustus. Long corridors, service tunnels, and stairways connected the upper rooms with those built on the sea on platform supported by wooden fences. In the past, the villa was of greater proportions and inland it reached as far as the area of the present Military Hospital of Anzio. Towards the coast, on the other hand, it expanded even beyond the beach. In the villa we can distinguish a Republican and Augustan phase in the second century B.C., a Neronian phase, a Domitian phase, an Adrianean phase and a Severan phase. The villa extended alog the coastal strip, about eighty metres wide, starting from the tip of Capo d'Anzio and Via Furio Anziate.
Nerone's villa
Our rapresentation
The Roman soldier
We wanted to rapresent an ancient Roman helmet because our work deals with the places of Anzio in the times of Rome. The Roman soldier was the infantryman who was part of the roman army. The soldier has always been a source of inspiration and model from a military point of view for his own abilities.
We have made this helmet with padoro cardboard and painted it. Then we decidedto make also the spear and we made it using sheets of paper and the paint.