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''It is immensely saddening to think about what is happening to the earth"

Pollution is a global problem that affects air, water, and soil

Did you know that: More than 25 million tons of garbage are dumped into our oceans every day and because of this, there is a continent made of plastic

Air pollution caused more than 7 million deaths in 2012 alone and today causes approximately 20 deaths for day only in the metropolian areas

More than 100,000 marine animals die only from water pollution The air pollution is the cause of 14 million deaths (for day) of animals, not counting aquatic animals (which if we counted would become an uncountable number) Soil pollution consists mainly of pesticides (chemicals) and that the use of them causes the impoverishment of soil nutrients, leaving it infertile.

The WHO (World Health Organization) classifies the air pollution as a carcinogen factor

So after these facts, to conclude, I would like to ask you if you really think that you are doing your best to take care of our planet