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Poland in the period from 1919 to 1939
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Poland in the period from 1919 to 1939

Irene García Muñoz


3. Introduction

4 and 5. Chronological context

6. Interwar period

7. Interwar period in Poland

8. Quote

9. Video

10. A war against Germany

11. Events

12. Relevant data

Poland covers the interwar period between the years 1919 and 1939, which begins at the end of the First World War in 1919 when Poland regains its long-awaited independence, which had been taken away by Austria, Russia and Prussia in 1795, thus beginning the Second Polish Republic.It was a moment of explosion for culture, science and industry, the republic ended with the start of the Second World War when Nazi Germany attacked Poland.


chronological context

July 28, 1914

The First World War begins


Creation of the Kingdom of Poland, it was a client state under the control of the German Reich

November 11, 1918

End of the war


Peace of Paris


Interwar period


Second polish Republic


Germany invades Poland

September 1, 1939

Second World War

The interwar period is known as the historical period established from the end of the First World War to the beginning of the Second. This represented a time of significant change throughout the world. Oil-based energy production and the mechanization associated with it expanded dramatically, giving rise to the so-called "roaring twenties", a period of prosperity and economic growth for the middle class. Automobiles, electric lighting, and radio broadcasts became commonplace among populations in the developed world. The indulgences of the time were later followed by the Great Depression, an unprecedented global economic crisis that severely damaged several of the world's largest economies.


  • A final period of confrontations with Germany due to Poland's refusal to cede territories to Hitler.
  • In 1926 Piłsudski, dissatisfied with the situation, carried out a coup d'état that ended the democratic parliamentary system, establishing an authoritarian regime that lasted until his death.
  • A time with a very fragmented and unstable parliamentary system.
  • A first post-war period marked by the political control of Piłsudski, hero of independence.

In Poland this period is characterized by the establishment of the second republic

Interwar period in poland

We can differentiate for stages...

“Being defeated without giving up, that is true victory.”

-Józef Pilsudski

A video with subtitles to better understand some aspects of the Second Polish Republic.


Poland was one of the most tolerant countries in Europe becoming home to one of the largest Jewish communities in the world. For historians of the time, Poland had become something similar to a “Jewish Paradise.” This led to war against Germany under the control of Hitler who wanted to put an end to them, finally Germany invaded Poland in 1939.

A war against Germany

Surrounded by hostile countries, Poland always sought the support of Great Britain and France at the international level, and signed non-aggression agreements with its most threatening neighbors: the Soviet Union and Germany.

It was characterized by attempts to integrate the various territories of the new State that had spent more than a hundred years separated since the last partition of Poland in 1793. Due to the different levels of development they were not reorganized.

German authorities deported and murdered around 300,000 Jews in the Warsaw ghetto.


Very delicate economic situation

Tension situation with border countries

Expulsion of jews

Non-Polish Slavs, Ukrainians and Belarusians.

Thus in 1921, Poland had an area of ​​388,634 km², becoming the sixth largest country in Europe, with 27.2 million inhabitants in that year.

At the end of the First World War, France and the United Kingdom decided to reestablish the Polish State, which had disappeared since the end of the 18th century. It was decided to give him lands of the German Empire and Russia, as well as territories of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

relevant data

16% of the population





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