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By: Luca Ottoni and Vincent Ouellet
Elaine Massacre of 1919
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Elaine Massacre of 1919

By: Luca Ottoni and Vincent Ouellet

When and Where

- Robert Hill a man from Arkansas formed the Progressive Farmers Household Union to represent the sharecroppers.

Farmer Labor Union

- 100 African Americans attended a meeting for labor union to obtain a better payments for their cotton crops. - Unions such as the Progressive Farmers represented a threat not only to white supremacy but also the concept of capitalism.



The start of the massacre

- Leaders of Hoop spurs union had placed armed guards to prevent disruption by white people during the union meeting. - A group of white people from Missouri Pacific Railroad attempted to spy on the meeting.

- Guards held them back and shootout erupted. - The shooting resulted in the death of W.A Adkins, a white security officer for the Missouri Pacific Railroad and the deputy sheriff of Philips County. - Angry white mobs quickly formed afterwards.



Day 1

- The next morning the deputy sheriff sent out a posse to arrest those involved in the shooting. - There was a fear of blacks because they outnumbered whites in this area by a ratio of 10 to 1.

- White people from surrounding Arkansas counties and even whites in Mississippi traveled to Elaine.



Day 2 & 3

- They destroyed homes, businesses, schools and attacked any black people in their way. - Black residents fled their homes and hid in nearby woods and fields.

Result of the massacre

- Estimated numbers of black people who died ranged into the hundreds: 5 white people lost their life. - One of the bloodiest racial conflict in US history. - When the massacre ended, 67 blacks were arrested and charged with inciting violence.




- Hundreds of black men were rounded up and put in jail and when the jail was full, they detained the rest in a schoolhouse.

- While they were detained, they were tortured to get them to confess of a black uprising. - They whipped men for a long period of time, stuffed formaldehyde up their noses and strip them naked and shocked them with electrical charges.


  1. “Encyclopedia of Arkansas.” n.d. Encyclopedia of Arkansas. https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/entries/elaine-massacre-of-1919-1102/.
2. - Uenuma, Francine. 2018. “The Massacre of Black Sharecroppers That Led the Supreme Court to Curb the Racial Disparities of the Justice System.” Smithsonian. Smithsonian.com. August 2, 2018. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/death-hundreds-elaine-massacre-led-supreme-court-take-major-step-toward-equal-justice-african-americans-180969863/.

3. MADEO. n.d. “Sep. 30, 1919 | Hundreds of Black People Killed by White Mobs in Elaine, Arkansas.” Calendar.eji.org. https://calendar.eji.org/racial-injustice/sep/30. 4. “Overview: The Elaine Race Massacre |.” n.d. Elaine Race Massacre. https://ualrexhibits.org/elaine/100-years-ago/overview/.

- On October 1st, Philips county authorities sent 3 telegrams to governor Brough requesting US troops to be sent to Elaine.- The white people thought the army troops were there to assist them. The army believed these people rushing towards them were going to attack so they started to shoot them down with machine gun fire

US Troops intervene in Elaine

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