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Erika is a Digital Learning Coach and Digital Media Teacher specializing in Green Screen and Video Production. In her 33rd year, she created and presented Mindfulness Professional Development globally, founded @ClubMindful, and serves as a leader for her District’s SEL Team. Her passion is to help educators, students and parents globally through a movement called #MyBreathingBubble to incorporate Mindfulness into everyday tasks and beyond!

By the end of the Ugly Sweater Drawing Activity, elementary students will be able to demonstrate creativity and artistic expression by designing their own unique and festive ugly sweater. This activity aims to enhance fine motor skills, encourage imaginative thinking, and foster a sense of joy and accomplishment in students as they engage in a lighthearted and seasonal art project.

By: Erika Sandstrom

Ugly Sweater Drawing Contest

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Welcome to Rudolph the Resilient Reindeer! Learn about Social Emotional Learning through the story of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. This lesson would be good for 3rd-7th graders and is aligned to the CASEL SEL Framework Standards. Note, depending on your students, you may want to moderate responses or pictures drawn that are voted on in this lesson

By: Alex Chaucer

The Resilient Reindeer

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Santa's reindeers help him to deliver presents on Christmas Eve! Santa Claus is thinking of the name for 10th reindeer, please help him... give the name of the10 th Santa's reindeer and share which one is your favorite!

By Sylwia Stasikowska

Funny and Curious Reindeers

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This presentation introduces Jingle Bells in English and Spanish. At the end, it finishes with the classic, Feliz Navidad.

By: Stacie White

Spanish Chritmas Carols

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K-5 math interventionist/ STEAM teacherRock Falls, ILThis lesson is a review of basic shapes. Students view shapes in multiple holiday objects before making a tree using basic 2d shapes.This lesson is geared toward teaching geometry to K-1st grade students.

By: Heather Brown

Christmas Shapes

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Student Work

Celebrate your December Happy Merry Birthdays with this creative writing activity featuring the Word cloud, Open Question & Drawing generators!

Dr. Kecia Wadell

December Birthdays Love Fest

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  • Students will identify and describe various ways to spread holiday cheer and kindness within their community and beyond.
  • Students will collaborate with peers to brainstorm creative ideas for spreading holiday cheer, fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility.
  • Students will articulate their thoughts and ideas effectively through written or verbal communication, explaining the importance of kindness during the holiday season.

In this Curipod activity students will explore ways to practice kindness and generosity during the holiday season. Students will brainstorm ideas, learn the definitions of kindness and generosity and engage in a fun drawing brain break!

By: Jolene Pikarski

Christmas Kindness

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Want to have your students sharpen their narrative writing skills this holiday season? Look no further! In this lesson, you can use any of these 4 optional AI-generated images to inspire your students to write a creative and festive short story complete with AI Feedback!

By Frankie Baker

Holiday Narrative Writing Practice

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The holidays are stressful. We all have different things that cause holiday anxiety. What gives you "holiday heartburn" and how do your manage your stress? Participate in a fun stress management drawing activity and share what ba hum bugs you this season!

By: Christopher Evans

Holiday Stress Check-In

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  • Demonstrate comprehension and inference skills by predicting and guessing punchlines.
  • Develop creative writing skills by crafting jokes on a given topic with humor and wordplay.
  • Revise and edit jokes based on AI feedback, showcasing the ability to improve written work.
  • Engage in collaborative discussions, presenting jokes to the class and participating in the voting process.

In Inchy's Joke Jam Generator, students embark on an engaging journey of humor, creativity, and collaboration. Guided by Common Core-aligned objectives, students first immerse themselves in the world of jokes, generating laughter with clever punchlines related to a chosen topic. The classroom becomes a hub of activity as students not only read and guess jokes but also craft their own, refining their writing skills based on AI feedback. Through collaborative discussions, they share their creations, engaging in a lively voting process that celebrates imagination and wit. The lesson culminates in a unique blend of artistic expression, as students incorporate their jokes into a vibrant Inchy coloring activity. As the laughter-filled session concludes, students are inspired by a short video from Inchy, igniting excitement as they prepare to submit their jokes for a chance to be featured in a video performance by the whimsical character, fostering a love for language, creativity, and joyful expression.

By: Inchy the Book Worm

Inchy's Joke Jam Generator

Link to Generator

  • State a physics concepts Santa uses to travel the globe in a single night
  • Explain the physics concepts that affect the motion of Santa's sleigh.
  • Evaluate how Santa uses these physics concepts to deliver presents to the children of the world.

How does Santa do it? Travel the world in a day to deliver his presents?

By: Michael Harvey Pedagogical prognosticator

The Physics of Santa's Sleigh

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In this lesson, students will learn about the science of snowflakes! Did you know that no two snowflakes are exactly the same - even snowflakes that look similar have tiny differences! Launch this interactive lesson to teach students about precipation of the process that creates snowflakes!

By Larisa Black

The Science of Snowflakes

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In this lesson, students will identify the visible light spectrum and its relationship to color. They will differentiate between absorption and emission of light. At the concusion of the lesson students will explain how different chemicals produce different colors in holiday lights.

By Latoya Pugh

Holiday Light Chemistry

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In this lesson, learn about Christmas traditions around the world! Look for an awesome cameo by none other than Curipod Co-founder Eirik Berre!

By Christie Cloud

Holiday Traditions Around the World

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In this lesson, students will use Microsoft designer to reimagine what Santa Clause Looks like! Have fun playing with generative AI this holiday season!

By Renee Dawson

Reimagine Santa with Generative AI

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In this activity, students step into the enchanting world of Santa's workshop, where they embark on a magical journey to secure a coveted elf position. Guided by a North Pole Newspaper, students choose their dream elf job and embark on a creative exploration. They brainstorm whimsical elf names in vibrant word clouds, bring their elves to life through imaginative drawings, and craft persuasive letters to Santa, detailing three compelling reasons why they would make exceptional helpers. Adding a touch of technological magic, students receive AI feedback from Curipod to enhance their letters. The culmination involves handwriting the final letters, sealing them in festive envelopes, and learning the art of addressing envelopes to Santa at the North Pole

By Amanda Fox

Elf Yourself Adventure: Apply to Be an Elf at the North Pole

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