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Revolutionizing Waste Management


Trashy the trash-can

How can a trash can transform the world?

Trashy waste manager


Introducing the Future of Waste Disposal - Sustainable Trash Cans for a Greener Tomorrow.

First First


Trashy the trashcan

The PRETOTYPE for our project began with sketches of a modern trash can, emphasizing simplicity and futuristic touches. Symbols represented smart sensing technology, a charming character on an interactive display conveyed friendliness, and small solar panels showcased eco-friendly integration. Gamification was symbolized by playful icons, and a visual storyboard depicted the "Little Steps" system. This concise representation served as a foundational visual overview, effectively communicating the project's key elements in a preliminary stage.

Acceptance Rate

Based on surveys

Following an intern survey within the Tec Community, a significant portion of respondents expressed a high likelihood of adopting a recycling habit with the introduction of smart trash bins. Specifically, 63% of those surveyed indicated a strong acceptance of this innovative approach to waste management.



Gradual vs Inmediate

(gradual wins)

In our survey, we included a question regarding James Clear's concept of tiny steps, and the majority of respondents expressed a preference for a gradual implementation of this approach.


Voted: Gradual implementation


Following the positive feedback from our surveys, indicating agreement with both our product and service ideas, we are confident in proceeding to present our PROTOTYPE.


Trashy Ideas


Three different ideas rendered

The "face" ones

The greenest one

The most accurate


Activity pause

Our idea stands out as original in the realm of waste management, weaving together cutting-edge technology, behavioral psychology inspired by James Clear's incrementalapproach, and a service-oriented "Little Steps" system. By introducing a charismatic interactive display, solar-powered functionality, and a gamified waste disposal experience, we break paradigms, shifting the perception of trash cans from mundane to engaging eco-solutions. The added value lies not only in efficient waste sorting but in cultivating sustainable habits through monthly initiatives. Feasibility is supported by the positive survey results, affirming user acceptance. To bring this vision to life, additional resources like software development expertise and community engagement tools may be necessary. The next steps involve refining our PROTOTYPE based on feedback, conducting real-world trials, and strategically marketing our innovative solution to maximize its impact.

By:Ricardo Antonio Serrano López A01707998Montserrat Hurtado Sanabria A01712211Andrea Sancén González A01352437Roger

Thank you!

  1. Smart Trash Cans: Equipped with advanced sensors for precise waste separation and a playful gamification element.
  2. Interactive Display: Featuring a cute, expressive face for friendly user interaction and a touch of character, similar to animated movies.
  3. Solar Power Integration: Harnessing eco-friendly energy through integrated solar panels for sustainable operation.
  4. "Little Steps" System: A monthly initiative inspired by Atomic Habits, guiding users through gradual changes in waste disposal habits.

made up of 4 steps

Introducing a revolutionary project focused on transforming waste management: