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Inventions and us train
By Álvaro Rodríguez 6ºA
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Inventions and us train

By Álvaro Rodríguez 6ºA



The train was invented on february 21 of 1804 in United Kingdom. The train makes you go faster if you dont have car or other main of transport. The person who invented it is call Richard Trevithik. The train solve one probrelm, people without so much money can go to other places with small thing of money. In the past they need something like the train to transport things faster. The train in the past looks like a lot of metal and gears on the wheals. It was a good invention because you can transport things and people very fast. The function of the train in the past was acelerate the worlds economic growth as it boosted trade and favored the reduction of productions costs.


The train now is faster bigger and more colorfull. Is more usefull because you van tarnsport things or people faster. Now dosent have gears on the cover and is more colorfull. The train has created a lot of pollution because the coal from the fuel pollutes a lot. We can mejorate the train change it the fuel and we can do a electric train. The ttrain still creating problems : It still contaminating a lot because of the coal. Transport things faster on the gruond or people to other places.


The train in the future is very fast without combustible and it charges with sun energy. The train transport things or persons to other conutries very fast. The train will create one problem that is that the train will consume so much material but we can solve it with one straigh rail. The design is good, is normaly white with so much windows. It can be improved with the use of onestraight line in stade of the rails. It will use less material to make the rails.


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