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The Roman Colosseum, an icon of ancient Rome, was an amphitheater for gladiators and public events, reflecting power, culture and entertainment. A symbol of advanced engineering, its history fascinates with epic spectacles witnessed.

The Vatican, the epicenter of the Catholic Church, houses St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Museums with masterpieces, being a spiritual and cultural center of global relevance. Its essential role encompasses faith, art, history and religious leadership.

The Pantheon in Rome, an architectural masterpiece, stands out for its imposing dome and innovative design. A testament to Roman skill, its influence endures as a pagan temple and then as a church, captivating with its splendor and technical perfection to the present day.

The Trevi Fountain, an iconic baroque fountain in Rome, dazzles with its majestic and mythological setting. An emblem of wishes and fortune, its sculptural beauty and aquatic waterfall invite you to throw coins, fulfilling the rite to return to the Eternal City.

The Roman Forum, the political and social heart of ancient Rome, is home to temples, basilicas and emblematic monuments. Epicenter of Roman public life, its ruins reveal historical greatness, reflecting the splendor of civilization and the architectural evolution of the time.