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What will life be like in 2123?
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What will life be like in 2123?

All houses will be well conditioned, they will have good air conditioning, heating and amazing insulation, not just for temperature but also noise.


A 100 years from now all houses will have robots that helps them clean, cook, hang out the washing, turn the lights on and off by voice control... Having robots at home that do the chores for you will be completely normal.


All schools will be well isulation, just like all houses will be. There will be a face scan before coming into school and into each class so teachers won't have to waste class time on taking the redgister because the information of who's in class will be taken from there.

Students will have digital books on their laptops or ipads. They will take notes digitally and won't have to bring books or notebooks to school.


In the future robots will be in charge of monotonous jobs and physically exhausting jobs. Humans will have more free time to spend on their hobbies, studies, sleeping...


Cities will now have flying cars, there will be more nature on the streets, nature will be synthesized with the environment and most buildings will be skyscrapers.

Lots of cities will have dissapeared because of global warming, the poles will have almost melted completely, the water levels will have risen and some cities will have disappeared and will be underwater.


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