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by:Bianca Vazquez Medinaevidence 3

Going Global

Objective: Reflect the meaning and importance of integrating to the global community.


example of actions

pros and cons





importance of globalization

I try to present some points of personal views about the supposed benefits and problems that globalization brings with it, based on the comparative analysis of the opinions that for pro and cons. This contemporary social phenomenon brings with it important sociocultural, economic and financial imbalances, as well as great contributions to culture, science and technology.Globalization is the process that has brought closer and connected markets, societies and cultures around the planet. The covid-19 crisis is a clear example: a virus that appeared in China gave way to a pandemic because the world is interconnected


The Internet and telecommunications are crucial for the global model, since they allow operations to be carried out in record time throughout the world.

Communities that were never in contact are linked to each other and this pushes them towards a new model of culture less rooted in the local, which leads to the adoption of similar customs, values ​​and artistic expressions throughout the world.


about globalization

Internationalization of markets. Goods and services travel with great ease to any part of the world, and productive, commercial and financial capital circulates freely.


1. It promotes economic growth and competition between companies, as a consequence of the elimination of barriers to free trade. 2. It encourages increased production and job creation, since there is a larger market to sell the products and a greater need for labor. 3. It stimulates the economic development of the poorest countries at least from a theoretical point of view since it facilitates access to foreign investments and technology, to which these countries would not otherwise be able to access.4. It encourages public attention to human rights and, in general, democratic values, in regions of the world where they would otherwise have been ignored. 5. It promotes tolerance and understanding between cultures, as a result of greater contact between people from different parts of the world (whether physically, through movement from one country to another, or virtually, through social networks).

of going global

pros and cons

1. It facilitates the creation of large multinational conglomerates, which concentrate wealth and may have sufficient power to condition governments and prevent the development of competition. 2. It promotes job insecurity, generating poorly paid jobs that can be eliminated by companies unexpectedly in order to reduce costs. 3. It increases the dangers of recessions worldwide, due to the close integration between countries' markets; In this way, a financial crisis in one country quickly affects other countries.4. It reduces cultural diversity, as a consequence of the homogenization of customs and values, often belonging to the dominant countries. 5. It harms the environment, through the increase in greenhouse gases and the overexploitation of natural resources, results of the increase in certain industrial activities and the intense flow of people and products.


example of actions

stay informed about global news

strategic project plans

marketing and sales and social networks

to learn a new language






reference: Where is globalization taking us?Sergio H. Kauffman González*

Currently, the digital economy, which emerged at the end of the 20th century, constitutes the main drive for globalization. Electronic commerce, blockchain and mobile communication are the most developed technologies. However, some factors could slow the pace of globalization, particularly the resurgence of nationalism and the trend toward conservative policies. Furthermore, the world economy is threatened by the consequences of climate change, cyberattacks and – as has happened recently – pandemics


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