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INEGI in October and November 2016, show that 66 out of every 100 women aged 15 and over have experienced an act of violence of any kind 
Gender violence is still increasing, it can occur in any of the areas of daily life and can result in mental health problems and a feeling of loss of autonomy in women. 
“Feminicide in Mexico rose significantly, from 427 reported victims in 2015 to 1,004 in 2021, marking a 135 percent increase”
(Vision of Humanity, 2022, par.9)
Alí Quintero León 
Globalization, culture and society
Gender Violence 
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INEGI in October and November 2016, show that 66 out of every 100 women aged 15 and over have experienced an act of violence of any kind

  • 14 de los 25 países con más feminicidios se ubican en América Latina. (2018, November 20). El Economista. https://www.eleconomista.com.mx/politica/14-de-los-25-paises-con-mas-feminicidios-se-ubican-en-America-Latina--20181120-0048.html
  • ¿Cuál es el costo de que los hombres rompan el pacto patriarcal? (n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 2023, from https://mujeres.expansion.mx/actualidad/2021/12/06/cual-es-el-costo-de-que-hombres-rompan-el-pacto-patriarcal
  • El 66.1% de las mujeres en México han enfrentado algún tipo de violencia: INEGI. (n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 2023, from https://www.eleconomista.com.mx/politica/El-66.1-de-las-mujeres-en-Mexico-han-enfrentado-algun-tipo-de-violencia-INEGI-20171123-0084.html
  • Five essential facts to know about femicide. (2023, November 22). UN Women – Headquarters. https://www.unwomen.org/en/news-stories/feature-story/2022/11/five-essential-facts-to-know-about-femicide
  • Pandit, P. (2022a, June 6). Homicides in Mexico—Statistics | Mexico Peace Index. Vision of Humanity. https://www.visionofhumanity.org/homicides-in-mexico-statistics/
  • Pandit, P. (2022b, June 6). Understanding the dynamics of femicide in Mexico | Mexico Peace Index. Vision of Humanity. https://www.visionofhumanity.org/understanding-the-dynamics-of-femicide-of-mexico/

Although it is not easy, an ideal solution may be for people to begin identifying their attitudes and beliefs with misogynistic backgrounds and thus be able to begin to correct them both internally and externally.Reducing objectification, derogatory remarks and seeking control over women.

One of the ways in which this violence spreads is through the so-called patriarchal pact, which according to Ana Grimaldo (2021) is the set of practices reproduced and protected by men and that cause scenarios of subordination for women.

It would also help to improve administrative records to know actual numbers, promote prevention programs and allocate economic resources for the prevention of violence and reparation for victims.

This problem also expands into how the media portrays these violent acts.


Gender violence is still increasing, it can occur in any of the areas of daily life and can result in mental health problems and a feeling of loss of autonomy in women.

“Feminicide in Mexico rose significantly, from 427 reported victims in 2015 to 1,004 in 2021, marking a 135 percent increase”(Vision of Humanity, 2022, par.9)

Alí Quintero León

Globalization, culture and society

Feminicides and Gender Violence

The main characteristic of a feminicide is that through death, patterns of what they believe it means to be a woman are perpetuated: subordination, weakness, etc.

- Spectacularization - Euphemisms - Dehumanization

Countries have feminicide laws

Countries are on the top 25 in feminicides


Country has a homicide law aggravated for reasons of genre

In Latin America and the Caribean:

Only in 2 out of every 100 cases are the aggressors prosecuted, according to a report by ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean).

Mexico occupies 23rd place on the list with a rate of 3 femicides recorded per 100,000