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Carla B , Alex B , Leyre m and alba c 3-b


1-Hercule poirot 2-Nancy Drew 3-Professor Moriarty 4-Sherlock Yack

Crime fiction characters

2-hercule poirot

-Private detective-Worked for belgian police


-Short-Egg-shaped head -Waxed moustache -Neat clothes -Belgian -Disciplined, intelligent, great moral



-2 plays-A TV series: Agatha Christie;Poirot -Appeared in many films: Murder on the Orient Express/ Death on the Nile

films and series

-33 novels-50 short stories -Between 1920-1975


books and series

2-nancy drew

In most of her books she is under 18 years old and works as a detective as a hobby.


-redhear-friendly-joung -confident of herself -brave -smart -bold



-5 films-1 TV serie

series and films

- 175 volumes of nacy drew-124 titles of The Nancy Drew Files


books and series

3-Profesor Moriarty

SERIES and films

-Moriarty Zenda -The six Thatchers

-The Dumas club(2013)-They will make me a criminal(2011) -REOP(1974) -The final problem


BOOKS,series and films


Supported by these works, Moriarty became a professor of mathematics at an English university. It was then that rumors began to circulate about him and that is why he traveled to London, where he became a military trainer.

Moriarty was an extremely intelligent person, according to Holmes himself, he had a first-rate mind. A mathematical and scientific genius, he studied at university and has his work on the binomial theorem, acclaimed throughout the world.



he has his own series

4-Sherlock Yack

-May 4, 2011 -It only has one series -Seasons 1 -Episodes 52-Crimes at the zoo -Hermione and Sherlock Yack -1 guilty -3 or more suspects -Good values -Clan or Amazon Prime



-Bull-Tall -Fur dark and light brown -Long white horns -Brown and red hat -Colorful trench coat -Friendly -Order and peace -Bagpipes -Notebook -''By all the trees and all the toes , i'm on the go!''. Zoo manager and detective


Thank you for watching

He appears in many books and series

1-Sherlock Holmes


Series:-Sherlock(Since 2010) -Sherlock Holmes in New York (1976) -Sherlock Holmes Cartoon (1985) Books: -The hounds of baskerville (1902) -Study in scarlet (1887) -The sign of the four(1990)

He has got many books and series

books and series

-Born in 1887 -Mycroft Holmes -Intelligent , observer and deductive. -Cold,ironic and restless -Skinny -Short, straight and black hair -Tall -The best-known and universally accepted literary character. -Fictional private detective


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