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Circulatory system
by elora, álex, daniela, víctor and gonzalo
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Circulatory system

by elora, álex, daniela, víctor and gonzalo


the heart
arteries, veins and capillaries





The circulatory system main function is to distribuye oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), nutrients, water and other subtances that are necesary for cells so they can perform their vital functions.It is made up of the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries.



The heart is the main organ of the circulatory system, it pumps blood all over the body, it includes four parts: the left and rigth atrium, and the left and rigth ventricle.It includes two moves: diastole and systole.

CapillariesConection of arteries and veins.In capillaries, cells get O2 and nutrients and change it for CO2 and waste.

VeinsOne type of blood vessels the one CO2 and waste go through.


ArteriesOne type of blood vessels the one O2 and nutrients go through.


Blood has got plasma, plasma is a liquid made up of water, salt, nutrients, cellular waste and other subtances.It has got three types of cell: red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.Red blood cells transport O2 and nutrients.White blood cells protect us from infections.Platelets close open wounds.

Red blood cells

White blood cells



In the pulmonary circuit, blood with CO2 and warte subtances go from the heart to the lungs. In capillaries in the aveoli, they change CO2 by O2.The blood with O2 returns to the heart and it is pumped into the systemic circuit.It goes to cells through the arteries and in the capillaries the O2 and nutrients stay in the cells, CO2 and wate subtances return to the heart through the veins.Netx, the process repeats over and over.


What are the moves of the heart?What is the main function of the circulatory system?How many types of blood vessels are?How are they called?Point at the heart.Point at an arterie.The heart is a ...Point at a vein.The left and rigth atrium and ... are partes of the ...How many partes has the heart have?

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