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Want to create interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

Over 30 million people create interactive content in Genially.

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MRPMaterial Requirement Planning


  • Falta de procesos de instalación.
  • Falta de compromiso de la alta gerencia.


  • Mejor servicio al cliente.
  • Reducción de precios de venta.
  • Capacidad de fijar los precios.
  • Agilizar o retardar fechas de los pedidos.
  • Cambiar las cantidades de los pedidos

Plan de produccion

Cantidades y fechas que han de estar disponibles los productos

Lista de materiales

Representa la estructura defabricación en la empresa

Estado del inventario

Cantidad de cada una de las referencias de la planta que están disponibles,

Sus fuentes son:

  • Estado del inventario
  • Lista de Materiales
  • Plan de la producción


-Disminuir los tiempos de espera en la produccion y en la espera - Incrementar la eficiencia , el MRP determina cuantos componentes se necesitan.

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We better capture visual content. Visual content is associated with cognitive and psychological mechanisms. Things enter through the eyes, the first image is what counts. We associate visual content with emotions.

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We better capture visual content. Visual content is associated with cognitive and psychological mechanisms. Things enter through the eyes, the first image is what counts. We associate visual content with emotions.


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We better capture visual content. Visual content is associated with cognitive and psychological mechanisms. Things come in through the eyes, the first image is what matters. We associate visual content with emotions.

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We grasp visual content better. Visual content is associated with cognitive and psychological mechanisms. Things enter through the eyes, the first image is what matters. We associate visual content with emotions.

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We better grasp visual content. Visual content is associated with cognitive and psychological mechanisms. Things enter through the eyes, the first image is the one that counts. We associate visual content with emotions.


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We better grasp visual content. Visual content is associated with cognitive and psychological mechanisms. Things come in through our eyes, the first image is what matters. We associate visual content with emotions.


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We better capture visual content. Visual content is associated with cognitive and psychological mechanisms. Things come in through the eyes, the first image is what counts. We associate visual content with emotions.