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Created on November 21, 2023
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Winners of the "Calaveritas Literarias"
Índice de contenidos
Winners of the Altars Contest
Collage 3rd semester
Viruses, viroids, and prions
Halloween or Day of the Dead?
How can I ask for directions to somewhere?
Catrines & Catrinas Winnerss
Why do we scratch the pews?
What are Newton's Laws?
Getting to Know the Teachers
Construction of altars
Each class of each semester I make an altar about a character who has been in history, in the world of music or acting. Even the students characterized themselves
as the character chosen to bring them to our memory, to make us know more about them when they were alive and to tell us how they came to be recognized until today. The winners of this contest were the third semester students of group "A" and the students of the third semester of group "F", winning by
Taller de Lectura y Redacción I
On November 31, 2023 at the Escuela de Nivel Medio Superior del Campus de Moroleón, an event was held to celebrate the Day of the Dead, organizing contests corresponding to the holiday, in order to have coexistence between the students of each classroom and between the groups from the new entrants to those who are close to graduating.
Winners of the Altars Contest
representing and with their altars to Freddy Mercury and Marie Curie. The judges of this altar contest were the director of the institution and teacher, José de Jesús Gallardo Negrete and Professor Cesar Augusto Linares.
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Taller de Lectura y Redacción I
This contest took place around 7:30 p.m. with a total of 6 participants of which there were 3 winning places; Dennis in third place, Bella Itzel in second place, and Angela Jaramillo in first place; These 3 winners had the best essays and public speaking, therefore they won the contest and a surprise prize from the student council.
On Tuesday, October 31 of this year, the literary skull contest was held, in which the students of the ENMS Moroleón of all grades and groups participated, being presented by students of the student council and qualified by certain surprise judges.
Winners of the "Calaveritas Literarias"
Thanks to the voting on Thursdays, the 6 winning places of the contest were announced, such as the student Mariana García in third place, Melina Villagómez in second place and Ximena Orozco in first place; while in the male category was the student Ismael Martínez in third place, Uriel Gonzáles in second place and finally Luis Enrique Vázquez in first place.
After the presentation of literary skulls, the student council announced the participants of catrines and catrinas who were characterized for the occasion by showing once again as every year a representation.
Catrines & Catrinas Winnerss
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How can I ask for directions to somewhere?
These have been a few ways to give or ask for some directions, so if you ever need basic words or phrases to get to your destination, feel free to use them.
sketches, etc.For example: "Could you tell me how to get to the library? You can go to the roundabout, go straight, turn left and cross the street."
"Could you tell me how to get to...?" Do you know where... What's the place?" "Can you show me this place on the map?"And to explain the places, sites, among others we will use: to reach, you can pass by, you should go to, to get to... And to say if they are on one side or the other, we say: between, next to me, opposing, behind. For example: "the school is next to the library", "the cinema is next to the cinema", etc. Below are some phrases to direct the individual by giving some direction through signs, maps,
To give an address in English, we start with the typical question and answer, but what words can we use to give directions to get somewhere? Below we will explain how to give or ask for directions with the help of some words used previously in class. First, to ask or give an address we must ask for the number of the place and then the name of that place on the first line. Some places could be: the museum, school, toy store, cinema, library, supermarket, sports center, bank, etc. To ask for an address we can help ourselves with the following questions:
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of the students and even teachers had preferred to leave, this being the fault of the student table for not making it clear and complying with the previously established schedules, Many of the students At the time of starting the event they already looked very tired or tired from all the hours spent making the altars or even going home without knowing the winners of any of the 3 contests of the day. Despite the mistakes of the event, I am personally happy with the willingness of the groups to dedicate time and money; In this unique Mexican celebration, both the newcomers from the first semester to those who are on their last Day of the Dead in high school.
Halloween or Day of the Dead?
Construction of altars
dressing up, scaring people, and trick-or-treating at different things. Personally I think both are very good, but I prefer the Day of the Dead since I think it has much more meaning and the relationship with remembering loved ones who have left I like much more than scaring people, in addition to the fact that normally families come together on these dates to remember and not forget the people who are no longer with us.
In Mexico, 2 celebrations are celebrated at the end of October and the beginning of November, these being Halloween and the Day of the Dead. One originating in the United States and the other in Mexican pre-Hispanic traditions One is about family and remembering loved ones who are gone from the world of the living, and the other is about
Last Tuesday, October 31st, in the middle of Halloween, the High School of Moroleón dressed up to receive the Day of the Dead festivities with 3 different activities: a contest of literary skulls, another of catrinas and catrines and as a main event the altar contests made by the groups of the institution, School-wide academic activities paused at approximately 12:30 p.m., to make way for the construction of the altars, although quite a few groups had begun to make decorations several days in advance. This year, it is worth highlighting the detail of that not all the groups of the school participated in the elaboration of altars, giving rise to a better organization in the placement of the altars, the groups had approximately 5 hours to prepare their altars, taking into account that the event was planned to start at 6 p.m. and began at approximately 7:30 p.m., when many
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When she was doing her career, she imagined herself as a teacher?"No, in fact I didn't want to set foot in a school at all, when I finished my degree I told myself that it was going to take me a long time to do the postgraduate degree and I don't want to know about schools, because my last semesters were very hard, I remember that after class I cried for 10 minutes and continued with what I had to do"How it looks like in about 20 years' time? "I hope with health, I hope to have a own business or if I continue to teach, not be overwhelmed first of all, but most of all, happy" Any advice you have for students? "That they always look for something that appeals to them. I feel that all careers are difficult but if it is something you want and you like, you will endure and come out easier, you have more motivation because if not it will become super heavy"
What are your favorite bands or artists? "From my student days I listened to Miranda!, I'm still a fan of "Miranda!", I went to a concert and I'm super happy, I like Estemen, I like him as a Belanova guy, a very POP guy and I like other songs, but I don't know who sings them"Do you have a favorite sport or sport that catches your attention? "I'm terrible at sports, in fact they call me a ball magnet at home because at any moment a ball can fall on me, but I discovered that I'm not that bad a swimmer, but I don't like to go to classes because there are a lot of people, I don't like to feel the little waves when my head is underwater." How many years have you been working as a teacher? "I've been here for almost three and a half years" Where and when did you start working as a teacher? "I entered the UG during the pandemic, I was a freelancer and a graphic designer" Do you currently work in any other school? "No, nothing more exclusive to the UG"
What did you study? "I have a degree in Graphic Design" Where did you study? "At the University of León Moroleón campus or it can be abbreviated as UDL" What was it like as a student? "I was generally a very quiet person, I never made teachers angry, and I really liked to get involved in all the projects that I could get involved in." What are your favorite hobbies? "I used to like to read a lot, in fact I read up to two books a week, but since I got older I have reader block, I open a book, I start it, I leave it there for a few months. So now my hobbies are listening to series, not watching them, listening to them and listening to movies to listen to them in the background while I'm planning so that if something interesting happens, I can turn to see what happens." What is your favorite food? "The tacos in all their presentations, dorados, pastor's, stalls, fish, etc. in all their presentations" What is your favorite music? "I like almost all music, but I like POP more, my least favorite music could be regional Mexican and bachata"
Getting to Know the Teachers
This is an interview conducted to get to know our teachers more personally. Below is an interview with teacher Diana Arleth, whom we will learn a little about below. What is your full name? "Hello, my name is Diana Arleth Vázquez Juárez, it's a pleasure to see you again"
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What advice would you give to students?"Focus, look for goals, at that age we are so scattered that we lose focus and when we don't have it we don't know where we're going, we don't have goals, we even miss finishing high school, if we achieve a focus I think goals are achieved very easily."What your favorite food is? "I don't have a favorite food, I can eat everything. I think it would be something I haven't eaten in a long time right now, some sopes."
What subjects have you taught? "I've taught the typical biology, chemistry, physics, anatomy, environmental education, I've taught semi-strange subjects in undergrad, geography in high school, and currently I teach physics, biology, anatomy, and tutoring."What has been your most pleasant experience as a teacher? "I don't think I could tell you one, because there have been so many, the fact of gratitude for the time and dedication or the 'thank you because what we learned I'm seeing in college' or helping students get back on the path of good." How it looks in 20 years? "I would like to have economic stability without any problem, to have my house, I think I would like to continue teaching and maybe I would have already been a director by that time to be a director between my 40-45 years, and have more time to do more things or hobbits that I have left pending."
What were and are your favorite hobbies? "I've always liked to play chess, play soccer, and currently rest and work out, I'm currently doing CrossFit." What is your favorite sport and your favorite team? "I've always been into soccer since I was a kid, although I've discovered that I can like any sport and my favorite team is América." How many years have you worked as a teacher? "I've been working as a teacher for 5 years, even before I graduated I gave some tutorials" Do I work on something other than being a teacher? "Yes, I worked in Celaya in a hospital, in something called pharmacovigilance and as a health manager in a chemical laboratory." Did you imagine yourself as a teacher? "Yes, it all starts because my dad is a basic level teacher, and in high school I came to think I liked to teach or help my classmates and I could be a teacher, but at some point in my life I also said 'nel that for me no'". What do you like most about being a teacher? "The interaction with my students, the contagion of that energy, the simple act of trying to stop and explain something to them"
The teacher of the ENMS of Moroleón, Edgar Isaac Rojas Bedolla Where and what studio? "I did my bachelor's degree at the University of Guanajuato campus as a Pharmacobiologist Chemist." What were you like as a student? "At first, I wasn't the best of the students, I failed a few times in my degree, but in the end I really liked the pharmacy area and I did very well from the fourth semester onwards"
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What are they?
It would seem that they are similar, as all three are infectious agents, however each one has its characteristics.Viruses are classified according to their envelope, their genetic material, or who they infect. The structure of the virus is characterized by "naked" or "enveloped", that is, depending on the type of virus and who it is going to infect. They are made up of a central region of nucleic acid (RNA or DNA) that is surrounded by a protein coat called a capsid, which determines the shape of the virus.
The virus is an infectious agent that causes different types of infections that can cause anything from incurable disease to death. The viroid is a smaller, PATHOGENIC infectious agent, causing malformations in leaves and fruits, stem necrosis and death. Prions are an infectious protein particle that attacks the nervous system of animals and changes the structure of other proteins because they are "misfolded" proteins
Viruses, viroids, and prions
In some cases it has a lipid "envelope" with proteins inserted, these determine the speciality of a virus, since a cell can be infected by the virus if the viral protein "fits" the specific receptors of its cell membrane. Once the virus enters the cell, two distinct processes can occur; the Lytic process and the Lysogenic process. The lytic process happens when the virus, by replicating, kills the cell. However, the lysogenic process is different, as the virus inserts its genetic material into the host, thus leaving the virus inactive for a long period of time. On the other hand, a viroid is made up only of naked RNA that infects only plants, they are extremely resistant and tolerant of UV radiation, these are transmitted through pollen or infected seeds. Finally, a prion is an infectious particle that attacks the animal nervous system, thus causing Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies. These have a latency period of 5 to 10 years between infection and symptoms.
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foundations of classical mechanics, his studies on the nature of light and optics, and the development of infinitesimal calculus, among others. Newton's Laws have been used to explain and describe the motion of bodies subjected to a certain force and acceleration. These principles were postulated in 1687 in his work Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. Newton's First Law or Law of Inertia "Every body preserves its state of rest or uniform and rectilinear motion unless it is compelled to change its state by forces impressed upon it."
Newton's laws are three principles that explain how bodies move driven by forces that act with a constant speed to move them. They have been used to describe the movement of man-made objects, such as means of transport or machinery, and also phenomena of universal gravitation, such as planetary motion.Isaac Newton was an English physicist, mathematician, philosopher and theologian, who became a reference in the field of science thanks to his important contributions, such as the principle of universal gravitation, the establishment of the
What are Newton's Laws?
This law of motion states that a body cannot change its initial resting state or straight motion at a constant speed if one or more external forces are not applied to it.Newton's Second Law or fundamental law of dynamics This law proposes that the net force applied on an object is directly proportional to the acceleration it acquires in its trajectory. That is, it states that a body accelerates when a force is applied to it to move it. If a higher net force is applied, it will increase the acceleration of the body. Newton's Third Law or Principle of Action and Reaction "With all action there is always an equal and opposite reaction: that is, the mutual actions of two bodies are always equal and directed in opposite directions." This law posits that every action generates a reaction of equal intensity, but in the opposite sense. That is, whenever an object exerts one force on another, the latter will return a force of equal magnitude, but in the opposite direction to the former.
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Why do we scratch the pews?
It is very common to see that the benches of the institutions are scratched, stained with concealer or that they are perceived, it usually happens more at the middle and high school levels, sometimes it still happens in the Universities, but it is in smaller quantity. As for the reasons why they are commonly scratched, it is usually because of the feeling of doing something that is against the rules or to look for something to entertain themselves when a class is boring to them. Personally, I think it's done to break the rules or to see it as something entertaining or funny and fit into a social group or expose certain ideals and emotions.
3r d S E M E S T E R
Team: Gómez Santoyo Juan Manuel Márquez Mejía Constanza NereidaSaénz Villanueva Fátima Erszebeth
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