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Part of the Hyper-Personalisation initiative



Development and testing

What is it about

Part of the team oversees the development and testing of new algorithms done by OpenAI.

What IS it About

Specification of requirements for the chatbot development. TripAdvisor contacts OpenAIt to outsource the chatbot development.

expected time

1 month


What is it about

expected time

3 months

expected time

4-5 months



Phased implementation followed by full deployment of chatbot

Total Expected time: 8-9 monts

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum euismod venenatis euismod. Donec commodo rhoncus diam, vel ullamcorper odio ornare id. Sed ut massa ultrices, tempus nisi quis, semper est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum euismod venenatis euismod. Donec commodo rhoncus diam, vel ullamcorper odio ornare id. Sed ut massa ultrices, tempus nisi quis, semper est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum euismod venenatis euismod. Donec commodo rhoncus diam, vel ullamcorper odio ornare id. Sed ut massa ultrices, tempus nisi quis, semper est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum euismod venenatis euismod. Donec commodo rhoncus diam, vel ullamcorper odio ornare id. Sed ut massa ultrices, tempus nisi quis, semper est.

Website REdesign

Part of the Hyper-Personalisation initiative

User analysis


Development and testing

What is it about

Development and testing of AI algorithms to create personalised content as well as the breakdown of data silos, which might take even longer than the development and testing of new AI.

What IS it About

In-depth analysis of user personas.

expected time

1-2 months


What is it about

expected time

3 months

expected time

8-10 months



Phased implementation followed by full deployment of new UI layouts.

Total Expected time: 12 - 15 months

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum euismod venenatis euismod. Donec commodo rhoncus diam, vel ullamcorper odio ornare id. Sed ut massa ultrices, tempus nisi quis, semper est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum euismod venenatis euismod. Donec commodo rhoncus diam, vel ullamcorper odio ornare id. Sed ut massa ultrices, tempus nisi quis, semper est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum euismod venenatis euismod. Donec commodo rhoncus diam, vel ullamcorper odio ornare id. Sed ut massa ultrices, tempus nisi quis, semper est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum euismod venenatis euismod. Donec commodo rhoncus diam, vel ullamcorper odio ornare id. Sed ut massa ultrices, tempus nisi quis, semper est.

new "My routes" page

Part of the Hyper-Personalisation initiative

Personalise d route maps with Google


New ai development and testing

What is it about

Development and testing of AI algorithms to generate real-time travel data and tips.

What IS it About

Expanding partnership with Google and development and testing of personalised route maps and contact Google.

expected time

6-8 months


What is it about

expected time

5 months

expected time

4-6 months



Phased integration followed by full deployment of personalised route maps by Google and new AI algorithms into “My Routes” page alongside with designing the page.

Total Expected time: 15 - 19 months

Click "+" to view.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum euismod venenatis euismod. Donec commodo rhoncus diam, vel ullamcorper odio ornare id. Sed ut massa ultrices, tempus nisi quis, semper est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum euismod venenatis euismod. Donec commodo rhoncus diam, vel ullamcorper odio ornare id. Sed ut massa ultrices, tempus nisi quis, semper est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum euismod venenatis euismod. Donec commodo rhoncus diam, vel ullamcorper odio ornare id. Sed ut massa ultrices, tempus nisi quis, semper est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum euismod venenatis euismod. Donec commodo rhoncus diam, vel ullamcorper odio ornare id. Sed ut massa ultrices, tempus nisi quis, semper est.

Total costs

Hyper-Personalisation initiative

New "My routes" page

The development of the project will be outosourced to save time and money. Considering the intermediate complexity of the chatbot, the estimated cost of development and maintainace will be £4,000 per month. (Stefanowicz, B., 2023) Costs incurred after the deployment are not considered, The agency will be asked to prepare a training video for the staff, with expected maximum lenght of 30 minutes. Prices for training videos are £780 per minute on average. (Bui, S., 2020)

expected cost

£32,000-£36,000 + £23,400


expected cost

can't be estimated.

expected Cost




The project will be implemented through a partnership with Google, which will use its existing services and resources to integrate them with Tripadvisor's services. It is expected that Google will demand a percentage on revenue generated through the service.

Total Expected costs: £143,800-£161,400

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website redesign

The website redesign will be outsourced to save money and time. Considering the intermediate complexity of the project, the estimated cost will be £6,800 per month.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum euismod venenatis euismod. Donec commodo rhoncus diam, vel ullamcorper odio ornare id. Sed ut massa ultrices, tempus nisi quis, semper est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum euismod venenatis euismod. Donec commodo rhoncus diam, vel ullamcorper odio ornare id. Sed ut massa ultrices, tempus nisi quis, semper est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum euismod venenatis euismod. Donec commodo rhoncus diam, vel ullamcorper odio ornare id. Sed ut massa ultrices, tempus nisi quis, semper est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum euismod venenatis euismod. Donec commodo rhoncus diam, vel ullamcorper odio ornare id. Sed ut massa ultrices, tempus nisi quis, semper est.

Hyper-personalisation projecttimeline

Total Expected time: 3 - 3.5 years.

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NOTE:The duration is calculated assuming that the initiatives will take place one after the other.

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