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María Lara
Created on November 17, 2023
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Raquel Bárcenas Flores - Alondra Espino Pérez- Kevin Jesús González García.
It takes place since the Revolution French in 1789, and extends to our days.
Contemporary Engineering
It begins in 1492 with the discovery of America, and extends until 1789 with the French Revolution.
Modern Engineering: Age of Mechanicsl
Europe 1492: fortresses surrounded by high walls were built, with walls up to 6 m thick (Manzanares Castle, Spain)
Medieval engineering feudal era and renaissance
Engineering was born together with man and dates back to 20,000 years before the Christian era. Primitive men characterized by investigating: Homo Sapiens and by constructing Homo Faber to satisfy a need.
It begins with the settlements around the Nile and Euphrates rivers; when writing arises. The challenge was to build stable buildings. This period ends with the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 DC.
Ancient Engineering "Age of Structures" 4000 AC:
Contemporary Engineering
- Era of Electronic Engineering and computing (1946) Electronics involves the use of components to control electricity.
- Era of Biotechnology and Bioengineering: (1959) the physicist Ernst Ruska and the electrical engineer Max Knoll, developed the Electron Microscope: which uses electrons instead of photons.
- Socioengineering Era: (1980) the challenge is to build works in accordance with society, nature and the environment. Energy use renewable.
- Era of Globalization: (2000): Engineers must be Interdisciplinary or Multidisciplinary, combine specific knowledge of the area in their training; with other topics: history, politics, economics, medicine, languages, etc.
Modern Engineering: Age of Mechanics
- Here the meeting of the Worlds takes place: the Old World: Eurasia and Africa, with the New World: America, and later the New World: Australia (1770). The challenge is to create devices for repetitive work and convert energy into movement
- Netherlands: Daniel Gabriel Fahren heit invents the mercury thermometer
- France: Sebastien Le Preste Vauban: he is considered the First Engineer of France, his life's work was the Port of DunKerque
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20 00 AC:
Rudimentary procedures were used, with a engineering conception: inventing the flint (polished stone) axe, and the bone awl; either to get their food or as defense weapons against predators.
- (1879) the challenge is to use electricity without danger to man. Electrical engineer Nikola Tesla creates and patents he alternating current system.
- The automobile is born and in 1913 Henry Ford creates the Ford T and Ford A models; and incorporates the automatic assembly line; reduces the 8-hour work day doubles the salary worker, and manufactures 10 million units.
Era of Electrical Engineering:
- 20 000 AC: Fire is discovered by the friction of the flint.
- Africa 8000 years AC: When Men stopped being nomads, giving rise to the first settlements, with modest buildings; where the artisans who possessed a technique were considered the primitive Engineers.
- Rome "Its history begins" 500 AC: The Romans were the great Engineers of antiquity, since they incorporated the ideas of the conquered countries.
- Greece "The center of knowledge of Mycenae, Athens and Sparta" 1400 and 100 AC: The Greeks used geometry and discovered that nature has General Laws, which they could describe.
Medieval engineering feudal era and renaissance
- China 206 BC - 220 AD: they developed chemistry and optics: perfecting glasses, with magnifying lenses on frames.
- Arabia VII - VII AD: to grind wheat they developed windmills, which had 6-12 sails covered with palm leaves or cloth
- Argentina VI AD: They created long roads in a straight line, to shorten distances the route ran along the tops of the hills and the bottoms of the ravines.
- Egypt "Civilized life along the Nile" 3400 and 1500 AC: They created papyrus, as a writing medium, from an aquatic plant.
- Mesopotamia "Plain of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers" 1100 and 561 AC: The code of Hammurabi: it is the oldest set of laws, including the professional responsibility of engineers with respect to their constructions.
- Scotland: from Heron's Aeolipile, Thomas Newcomen adapted it and invented the Atmospheric Pump to remove the water that invaded the coal mines.
- England: the 1st Industrial Revolution took place with the Steam Engine, which allowed machines to move: cars, locomotives and ships; and in the textile industry, its use favored exports.
- America: in Philadelphia Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning rod.