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Unit 5
Let's discover the theme of the new chapter
Want to create interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

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Let's discover the theme of the new chapter

Unit 5

Part 2: British schools

Let's go to school 👩‍🏫

Part 1:In my schoolbag

Part 3: Follow the rules

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What do you have...? 3e

Do you have...?

+ info

What do you have...? 1e


In my schoolbag 👩‍🏫

Part 1

+ info

Listen and write the words you understand

Backpack Crayons, ruler, scissors too, Marker and a little bit of glue. Paper, pencils in my bag and my book of Maths. I carry on my back, all my treasures in a pack, many pens in my pencil case and an eraser to erase, a teacher and a lot of friends. I’m ready to learn.

Read and write the vocabulary under the picture













Les articles (un,une, des)Si l'article est suivi d'un nom singulier commençant par une consonne:=> on met l'article __________ex: a schoolbagSi l'article est suivi d'un nom singulier commençant par une voyelle:=> on met l'article __________ex: an eraserSi l'article est suivi d'un nom pluriel:=> on ne met pas d'articleex: pens

What do you have in your schoolbag?


What do you have in your schoolbag?=> In my schoolbag, I have... but I don't have...

- Tick 3 elements you have - Cross 2 elements you don't have

What do you have in your schoolbag?=> In my schoolbag, I have... but I don't have...

Let's recap (1e singulier)



What does he have in his schoolbag?=> In his pencil case, he has... but he doesn't have...


What does she have in her schoolbag?=> In her pencil case, she has... but she doesn't have...


HAVE (avoir) au présent simple

What does he have? What does she have?

Have or has?

Find your twin

____ he have a ruler?- Yes, he ______/ No, he______

Do you have a ruler?- Yes, I do/ No, I don't

Think about it

The invisible timetable

Typical British schools

Emily and Tom's uniforms

+ info

Shonny at school

British schools 👩‍🏫

Part 2

+ info

+ info

+ info

Shonny is _______________________________ because she has __________________________________________________Shonny ________________________________________________________________________________________________Shony _________________________________________________________________________________________________














At Halewood Academy, they________________________________and they _____________________________________________They have ___________ periods in the morning and ______________________________________________________________On _______________, they have ________________ from ______ to _______. On _______________, they have ________________ from ______ to _______.Halewood academy is different because______________________

Lesson 6

Lesson 5

Lesson 4

Lesson 3

Lesson 2

+ info

A strange school

Follow the rules 👩‍🏫

Part 3

+ info

+ info

+ info

+ info

+ info

The interactive visual communication step by step:

  • Plan the structure of your content.
  • Give visual weight to key points and primary ones.
  • Define secondary messages with interactivity.
  • Establish a flow through the content.
  • Measure the results.

Do you need more reasons to use dynamic content in class? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes to us through sight and, moreover, we retain 42% more information when the content moves.

What are we going to learn?

The interactive visual communication step by step:

  • Plan the structure of your content.
  • Give visual weight to key points and primary ones.
  • Define secondary messages with interactivity.
  • Establish a flow through the content.
  • Measure the results.

Do you need more reasons to use dynamic content in class? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes to us through sight and, moreover, we retain 42% more information when the content moves.

What are we going to learn?

  • Improve understanding about any topic.
  • Engage the entire class...
  • And keep their attention until the end.
  • Include visually appropriate elements to the topic.
  • Display data and information visually.
  • Use interactivity to delve into concepts.

Show enthusiasm, give a smile and maintain eye contact with the rest of the people in the classroom can be your best allies when it comes to presenting content and creating motivating learning experiences. With that and some interactive content up to par, no class will resist you!

How are we going to learn?

Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads? Ready for students to view it on any device and learn from anywhere.

  • Generate learning experiences with your content.
  • Measure results and experiment.
  • Interactivity + animation = motivation.
  • Activate and surprise the class.
  • Make your class think and learn.
  • It is neat, hierarchical, and structured.

What you are reading: interactivity and animation can make even the most boring content become something fun. At Genially, we also create our designs to facilitate understanding and learning, so that you level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that adds value and engages.

What are we going to need?

We avoid being part of the content saturation in the digital world.


We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.


We teach through stories. They entertain us and help us stay focused.


We are able to understand images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.

We are visual beings

We are in the era of the explosion of digital information. This causes our way of obtaining information to have changed, we have transitioned from traditional reading to a cognitive strategy based on navigation.

How are we going to evaluate?

  • Improve understanding about any topic.
  • Engage the entire class...
  • And keep their attention until the end.
  • Include visually appropriate elements to the topic.
  • Display data and information visually.
  • Use interactivity to delve into concepts.

Show enthusiasm, give a smile and maintain eye contact with the rest of the people in the classroom can be your best allies when it comes to presenting content and creating motivating learning experiences. With that and some interactive content up to par, no class will resist you!

How are we going to learn?

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