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As science students we can get involved in this study
When analyzing the results of the different studies, we see differences in the reported numbers
Test Evandri
Tests applied on water contaminants by PET
Test Ames
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What about long term exposure?
Does it represent any health risk?
Obtaining Ethylene Glycol:
González Escalante Ruth Paulina 
Barrientos Alejo Saraí Jezabel 
Granados Hernández Ángel Demian 
Zamudio Vázquez María Fernanda 
Rayas Apolinar Leslie 
Luna Martínez Alan Gustavo 
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How could we say that the esters are at the correct levels?
Obtaining Terephthalic Acid:
PET synthesis...
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Other contaminants
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Additional Processing
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what is the PET?
University of Guanajuato
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University of Guanajuato

what is the PET?

Additional Processing

Other contaminants

Some studies raise concerns, but it's important to recognize that certain compounds like formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and antimony can migrate from PET in specific conditions.

PET synthesis...

Test Ames

Obtaining Terephthalic Acid:

Test Evandri



How could we say that the esters are at the correct levels?

González Escalante Ruth Paulina Barrientos Alejo Saraí Jezabel Granados Hernández Ángel Demian Zamudio Vázquez María Fernanda Rayas Apolinar Leslie Luna Martínez Alan Gustavo

Obtaining Ethylene Glycol:

Does it represent any health risk?

What about long term exposure?

Tests applied on water contaminants by PET

When analyzing the results of the different studies, we see differences in the reported numbers

As science students we can get involved in this study

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PET pellets can be further processed by injection molding, blow molding or extrusion to manufacture final products such as bottles, containers, textile fibers, etc.

Terephthalic acid can be obtained from petrochemicals or from the oxidation of p-xylene.

Ethylene glycol is produced primarily through the hydration of ethylene oxide.

polycondensation using various catalysts


Endocrine system



After concentration of mineral water stored in daylight for different periods (1, 3 and 6 months at room temperature)

The mutagenic activity was measured with strains of Salmonella.

Ames test carried out by Monarca on water stored in PET bottles.

An increase in chromosomal aberrations was observed in Allium strain with PET bottled water exposed to sunlight for 16 weeksand high temperatures for 10 days.

The results of this test were negative. But acetaldehyde, acetic acid, propanal and other compounds were found

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Chemical compound used to make plastics.

Although these aberrations were attributed to the migration of volatile compounds, no chemical analysis of the water was performed and the results may not be representative due to the limited number of PET brands evaluated.

PET, or polyethylene terephthalate, is a thermoplastic polymer widely used in the manufacturing of beverage and food containers. Its versatility, lightness and transparency make it a popular choice.

What is PET?

polymer that is mainly composed of two monomers: terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol

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