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work carried out by: Carolina Silva n7 10B
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work carried out by: Carolina Silva n7 10B


-Influences caused in my English

  • -Their Lifes
  • -Abou their profissional lifes
  • -Prizes received
  • -Advertising made
  • -Song


Profissional Lifes

Wet bed gang is a group of portugueses rappers formed by 4 (four) members, Gson, Zara G, Kroa and Zizzy. Formed in 2014 (two thousand and fourteen) but only gained recognition in 2016 (two thousand and sixteen) with song "Não tens visto".

Tomás David
Pedro Osório
Lizandro Silva
Gerson Costa

Their photos


Zara G



-Gson: was born on April 17, 1995 and is 28 years old. He is portuguese and Angolan.-Zara G: was born on July 24, 1997 and is 23 years old.He is portuguese and cape verdean Zizzy: was born on December 14, 1995 and is 27 years old.He is portuguese and venezuelanKroa: was born on May 23, 1993 and is 30 years old.He is portuguese and Angolan

Their Lifes

The only won one award in 2019 (two thousand and nineteen) which is called "Play-Prémios da Música Portuguesa" because of the song "Devia ir"

They sell sweaters and accessories, for example hats

Their Brand

Even though they are Portuguese, in their songs they say some words in english in a cool way, and that makes me want to learn to do the same.

The influence they give me to speak English


Excerpt from song:

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