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Visual aid 5: Chapter 5

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Visual aid 5: Chapter 5

Levels of vocabulary Learning

This video explains the three different tiers in vocabulary words.

What are the different tiers in vocabulary?

This is an easy to read book that can be used to build upon English while also using CDL student's first language.

We will be reading a book that contains all three tiers of vocabulary!Tier 1 Words: apple, strawberry, orange, cheese, pearTier 2 Words: salami, lollipop, sausage, plum,Tier 3 Words: cocoon, butterfly, caterpillar

Lets Read a Story!

Before reading, we will go over the story's vocabulary!While listening, students will write down words that they are unsure of. Then, we will use our prior knowledge to try and identify the meaning of these words prior to reading.CDL Students: Students will be provided with cognates to go over prior to reading/listening to the story. Students will be able to follow along with their list of cognates while listeing to the vocabulary words with their classmates.

Before the Lesson

Bilingual Picture Dictionaries: This will help students transfer their knowledge from their native to English as they read.

Bilingual Cue Cards: CDL students will have these cue cards to help them throughout the reading. This will provide them with a reference photo/word as they read the story.

During The Lesson

Fill in the Blank: This will provide CDL students with the chance to show their knew knowledge through writing. It will also help them to create a permenant understanding of these knew words by writing the words out.

Vocabulary Quiz: This will give CDL students an oppurtunity to show that they have learned the meaning of the words from the story in English.

After The Lesson

ELPS (c) Cross-curricular second language acquisition essential knowledge and skills.(2) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/listening. The ELL listens to a variety of speakers including teachers, peers, and electronic media to gain an increasing level of comprehension of newly acquired language in all content areas. ELLs may be at the beginning, intermediate, advanced, or advanced high stage of English language acquisition in listening. For the ELL to meet grade-level learning expectations across the foundation and enrichment curriculum, all instruction delivered in English must be linguistically accommodated (communicated, sequenced, and scaffolded) commensurate with the student's level of English language proficiency.

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