Gentlemen thieves ppt
Marie RUIZ
Created on November 12, 2023
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sequence n°2
gentlemen thieves
You are a witness on a robbery, write your testimony
Final Task:
- simple present - preterit - past continuous(be+ing) - passive voice - must, may, might, can’t - Physical description vocabulary - Vocabulary related to thefts.
- make hypothesis - describe people - interprete clues - investigate a case
Gentlemen thieves
5 min
wears ...
does ...
has ...
is ...
does ...
wears ...
has ...
is ...
What is a gentleman thief ?
an informer robbery tools black car
Steals expensive things (paintings, money, jewels...) Breaks into places (museum, houses and stores) Escapes from the police
black mask black beany black gloves black and white striped clothes
discreet smart prepared - organized determined
moustache - beard cane big house expensive cars
gamble - play cards smoke cigars read doesn't work
5 min
chic clothes black suit white shirt black hat eye glass - glasses
rich educated - well mannered respectful charming
What is a gentleman thief ?
.................................................................................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. .................................................................
Give a definition of a "gentleman thief"
A "gentleman thief" is
Give a definition of a "gentleman thief"
A gentleman thief is a fictional character archetype. He is charming thanks to his impeccable manners. He always avoides physical force or intimidation to steal, and he often has inherited wealth.He steals particularly rare or challenging objects from very rich people.A gentleman thief is well dressed and elegant. He is discreet and intelligent too. He is well-prepared and enjoys stealing.
Famous gentlemen thieves and detectives
- Book's title:
- Author:
- Nationality:
- Jobs:
- Period:
- Other info:
- Genre of books:
- Writing style:
- Book's title:
- Author:
- Nationality:
- Jobs:
- Period:
- Other info:
- Genre of books:
- Writing style:
- Main character of the book
- Job(s):
- Friend/companion:
- Personality:
Main character
Main character
- Main character of the book
- Job(s):
- Friend/companion:
- Personality:
............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. .............................................................
..................................................... ..................................................... ..................................................... ..................................................... ..................................................... ..................................................... ..................................................... ..................................................... .....................................................
A.J Raffles
Sherlock Holmes
A. J. Raffles is wearing a black top hat, a black coat and white gloves. He has white hair and a long pointy nose. He has a cane. In the background there is a grave, maybe he is in a cemetary ? He is smoking a cigarette and he seems very mysterious, maybe he killed someone ?
Sherlock Holmes has a deerstalker (= his hat) and a green cape (= his coat). He has a scarf too. He is smoking the pipe and thinking about something. He looks very concentrated and serious. He is probably working on a case.
A.J Raffles
Sherlock Holmes
(Oral comprehension)
"Who stole the blue carbuncle...?"
Age 55, tall and thin, dark hair, brown eyes.He is the Countess of Morcar's butler: he takes care of her everyday. He was with the Countess.
Age 26, brown hair, and blue eyes. He is a plumber at the Hotel Cosmopolitan. He was working.
Age 30, tall and thin, with dark hair, and gray eyes. He is an attendant at the Hotel Cosmopolitan: he helps keep the rooms clean and welcomes important guests. He wasn't at the Hotel between 9 and 10 am.
Age 50, gray and long hair, and blue eyes. She is a delivery woman. She delivers geese to hotels and restaurants. She was delivering a goose to the Hotel.
Alfred Pennyworth
John Horner
James Ryder
Mrs. Oakshott
The Countess of Morcar
The Countess of Morcar is a victim of a robbery: where is her big blue expensive carbuncle ? The precious stone was stolen from the Countess of Morcar's dressing room at the Hotel Cosmopolitan on December 22nd between 9 am and 10 am.
Age 28, tall and thin, dark hair and green eyes. She is staying at the Hotel Cosmopolitan. Her birthday is in a couple of days.
Prepare the questions you are going to ask the suspects of the theft of the blue carbuncle
Imagine you are Sherlock Holmes...
- ..............................
- ..............................
- ..............................
- ..............................
Prepare the questions you are going to ask the suspects of the theft of the blue carbuncle
Imagine you are Sherlock Holmes...
- Where were you at 9 am ?
- What were you doing ?
- Are there any witness ?
- Do you have an aliby ?
Listen and take some notes on their answers.
Let's listen to the suspects...
Study the alibies... Whose are they ?
James Ryder
Alfred Pennyworth
Mrs Oakshott
Study the alibies... Whose are they ?
Write your hypothesis with your teammate
"Who is the thief of the blue carbuncle...?"
Les phrases ...... et ...... sont conjuguées au prétérit simple alors que les phrases ...... et ...... sont conjuguées au prétérit en be+ing !
parlent d'actions passées, notamment ponctuelles ? .............installent le décor, le contexte autour de l'histoire ? ........
Parmis les phrases ci-dessus, lesquelles :
Look at the sentences and think
Reflexion time
- The plumber was working between 9 and 10 am.
- He heard some noise coming from the room.
- Mrs. Oakshott was delivering a goose between 9 and 10 am.
- She saw nothing special.
Le passé progressif, qu'est-ce que c'est ?
Le passé progressif (BE + v-ing au preterit) permet d'exprimer une action qui était en train de se passer. Il est utilisé pour planter le décor avec une action longue qui est souvent interrompue par une action ponctuelle. Sa structure est toujours la même : sujet + BE (au prétérit) + base verbale-ing + complément ex : The thief was stealing jewels when suddenly, the police arrived.
1. Prepare and ask your questions for the suspects. 2. Talk and decide who is guilty. Tell the class 3. Vote for the most original alibi!
Let's play the alibi game !
A jewelry store was robbed last night at 8:30 pm...
1. Prepare an alibi. Be original ! 2. Answer the detectives' question and convince them you are innoncent !
Je divise la classe en deux : les suspects / les detectives. Parmis les suspects, seulement 5 seront coupables. Je vais leur chuchoter à l'oreille s'ils sont coupable ou non et je me le note sur une feuille. A la fin les detectives rendront leur verdict et expliqueront qui est coupable et pourquoi. Puis ils voteront pour l'alibi le plus original.
1. Prepare and ask your questions for the suspects. 2. Vote for the most original alibi!
Let's play the alibi game !
A jewelry store was robbed last night at 8:30 pm...
1. Prepare an alibi. Be original ! 2. Answer the detectives' question and convince them you are innoncent !
Look at the cartoon and be a good detective
A theft in London...
1. Can you find the thief ?2. When did the theft take place ? 3. What were the other people doing at the moment of the theft ?
A theft in London
The story of a burglary...
Imagine you are a witness to a burglary of a store. Who was the thief ? What did he/she do ? What were you doing when it happened ? How did you react ? Tell us everything !
Watch the video and guess who is this mysterious lady thief...
Do you know famous lady thieves ?
What about women...?
A lady thief : catwoman
1. Read the text2. Read the questions 3. Highlight keywords 4. Use the keywords to answer the question
Selina Kyle, commonly known as Catwoman, is a fictional character who was created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane and appears in American comic books that were published by DC Comics, commonly in association with the superhero Batman.She is a Gotham City burglar who usually wears a tight, black, one-piece outfit and uses a bullwhip for a weapon. She loves stealing diamonds because they're small, shiny, and very expensive. She steals to provide for the poor and helpless and to stand up against rich and powerful people. She is also attracted to anything related to cats since she is obsessed with these animals. In the film "Batman Returns" (1992, Tim Burton), Selina Kyle was a suffering secretary of a corrupt and powerful man, Max Shreck. When she discovered that Max Shreck wanted to steal Gotham's electricity, she was pushed out the window of his office. She was knocked unconscious after the fall but she was revived by cats. She became Catwoman and tried to take her revenge on her former boss, Max Shreck.
Read the descrition and answer the questions
Read the description and answer the questions
1. Describe Catwoman's costume........................................... .......................................... 2. What does Catwoman usually steal? Why?.......................................... .......................................... .......................................... 3. Is she a hero or a villain ? Justify. .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... ..........................................
Read the description and answer the questions
1. Describe Catwoman's costume.She wears a tight, black, one-piece costume. He has a mask with cat ears. She uses a bullwhip for a weapon. 2. What does Catwoman usually steal? Why?She usually steals diamonds because they're small, shiny, and very expensive. She steals them to provide for the poor and helpless and to stand up against the rich and powerful. 3. Is she a hero or a villain ? Justify. Catwoman is a villain because she steals, she disobeys the law. However, she is a hero too because she helps the poor and the helpless.We call these characters "antiheroes".
Selina Kyle was a secretary. She worked for a good man. She jumped from a window. She was revived by cats.
Right or wrong ?
Selina Kyle was a secretary. She worked for a good man. She jumped from a window. She was revived by cats.
Right or wrong ?
................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................
Watch the video again and describe the scene.
Catwoman was in a museum, at night. She jumped over and under lasers. When she arrived in front of the diamond's case, she made a hole with her claws.When she was stealing the diamond, she saw a shadow at the window: Batman was watching her but she didn't see him.
Watch the video again and describe the scene.
Entoure le groupe verbal. Souligne le sujet. Surligne celui qui fait l'action.
Parmis les phrases ci-dessus...
Look at the sentences
Reflexion time
A. She was pushed out the window by her boss.B. She was revived by cats. C. Catwoman was created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane. D. The books were published by DC Comics.
by her boss. by cats. by Bill Finger and Bob Kane. by DC Comics.
Entoure le groupe verbal. De quoi est-il composé ? Souligne le sujet. Où est-il placé dans la phrase ? Surligne celui qui fait l'action. Par quel mot est-il introduit?
Parmis les phrases ci-dessus...
Look at the sentences
Reflexion time
A. She was pushed out the window B. She was revived C. Catwoman was created D. The books were published
was/were + parti. passé au tout début, en 1er "by"
by her boss. by cats. by Bill Finger and Bob Kane. by DC Comics.
Entoure le groupe verbal. De quoi est-il composé ? Souligne le sujet. Où est-il placé dans la phrase ? Surligne celui qui fait l'action. Par quel mot est-il introduit ?
Parmis les phrases ci-dessus...
Look at the sentences
Reflexion time
A. She was pushed out the window B. She was revived C. Catwoman was created D. The books were published
Quand on met une phrase à la voix ..........., le sujet (qui est placé ............ le verbe) subit l'action. Celui qui fait l'action est placé...... le verbe et est introduit par "....." (qui veut dire "..........." en français). Dans une phrase à la voix ............ au passé, le groupe verbal doit être composé de deux mots : l'auxiliaire "...." le .............. au prétérit + du verbe.
(= ... / ...) (verbe+ed si régulier ou 3è colonne verbes irréguliers)
Complete the sum up
Quand on met une phrase à la voix passive, le sujet (qui est placé avant le verbe) subit l'action. Celui qui fait l'action est placéaprès le verbe et est introduit par "by" (qui veut dire "par" en français). Dans une phrase à la voix passive au passé, le groupe verbale doit être composé de deux mots : l'auxiliaire "be" le participe passé au prétérit + du verbe.
(= was/were) (verbe+ed si régulier sinon,3è colonne verbes irréguliers)
Complete the sum up
Transform the sentences from active to passive voice
- Batman saw Catwoman.
- Max Shreck pushed Selina out the window.
- Catwoman stole the diamond.
- Catwoman heard a noise at the window.
The thomas crown affair
1. Watch the video.2. Describe Thomas Crown. 3. Make some deductions
Who was Thomas Crown...?
Describe Thomas Crown
................................................................................................ ................................................ ................................................ ................................................ ................................................ ................................................
Describe Thomas Crown
He is tall and slim. He has short dark hair. He is very well dressed : he has a tie, a shirt and a three-piece suit. His suit looks expensive so maybe he is rich. He is handsome and he looks very serious.
- 100% certain : Thomas Crown can't be .............
- 50% certain : Thomas Crown might be .............
- 50% certain : Thomas Crown may be .............
Make deductions about who he is and justify.
- 100% certain : Thomas Crown must be .............
- 100% certain : Thomas Crown can't be rude because he looks like a gentleman.
- 50% certain : Thomas Crown might be intelligent.
- 50% certain : Thomas Crown may be a gentleman thief because he looks intelligent and serious.
Make deductions about who he is and justify.
- 100% certain : Thomas Crown must be rich because
He may / might be home at this hour.
He can't be home at this hour.
He must be home at this hour.
50% (maybe it's true) (maybe it's not true)
90% - 100% (sure it's not true)
90% - 100% (sure it's true)
Dans tous les cas, ce qui suit directement après est TOUJOURS pareil : on met .........................
50% (maybe it's true) (maybe it's not true)
90% - 100% (sure it's not true)
90% - 100% (sure it's true)
......................................... ......................................... .........................................
Use the information to deduce who is Thomas Crown.
Thomas Crown may be a fourty-five-year-old American billionaire who loves thrills and art. He might be a gentleman thief !
Use the information to deduce who is Thomas Crown.
the end
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