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Annie Negro - 3dl


The planet loses 10 million hectares of forest every year, and within 100 years, it could disappear completely!!

Created in 2021

Agaist deforestation:

Artificial wood


After years of perfecting the formula, it is now comparable to the strength and endurance of a real tree.

The cells of Zinnia Elegans were used to create a solution that uses gels, cells, and a specific type of hormones

MIT scientists developed a method to grow wood in the laboratory without soil, sunlight, or trees to combat deforestation.

The mixture is placed inside the 3D printers, which print wood pieces or planks. After 3 months of rest, they can be used for building. With the advancement of technology, it is expected that printing entire furniture can be done with the material, which can take any shape.

  • Cost
  • When they will be available on the market
  • It is not real wood
  • Reduce deforastation
  • Time

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